Re: [Cz-L] Proposed response to Mr. Zissels

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sat, 05 Apr 2008 11:31:59 -0400
To: Bruce Reisch <>, Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

I understand Bruce's point of view and agree that we should not
make demands, but at the same time, I would like to stand firm
on our expectations. The wall devoted to exhibits about the holocaust,
should cover ALL THE MAJOR ACTIONS taken by the Romanian government
against the Jews of Cernauti and the effect those actions had on
the Jewish population. In my opinion, this would best be presented
in the form of facts and figures, copies of documents and photographs.

I would not want the deportations of the Soviet era of 1940-41,
nor the confiscation of property to be portrayed as having had quite
as big an effect as the actions of the Antonescu government of the
Romanian period. They did not. They were also not part of the holocaust.

I worry that Ms. Lenchowska in writing "the beginning of the holocaust",
meant only the the Soviet period of 1940-41 and that "the holocaust",
as we understand the term to mean, will be omitted.
No need to demand or bargain, but let's be explicit and firm.

Taking in to consideration the suggestions of Bruce and Jerome,
I will amend the letter I suggested we send Mr. Zissels and send
it to the list for your consideration.




> Dear Group:
> Thank you for your responses. Several embraced Mimi's three points in
> one way or another. And our reading of the three points is: Here's
> the content WE would like to see on the third wall: [...]. Indeed
> we, too, would like to see just such an outcome.
> But as a group we must realize that the Museum is not ours to
> micro-manage. We need to show some flexibility just as Mr.Zissels has
> shown flexibility. We can offer suggestions, and Mimi's three points
> can be included in that way, in the form of offering materials that
> cover the three points. We could even volunteer to help do the work
> and supply documents/pictures for that part of the exhibition. But I
> don't think it will be productive or appropriate to use our support
> as a bargaining chip. In our letters to Mr. Zissels we focused on
> the inclusion of the holocaust in the museum. We didn't say that the
> museum must include coverage of the resistance, deportation, creation
> of the ghetto, etc. It would not be appropriate for us to put all
> these provisos on our support now.
> We have already achieved the major goal of having the holocaust
> included. We can *suggest*, but we cannot in our opinion *demand*. We
> could include the suggestions received from Mimi, Gaby, Charles and
> others in our response to Mr. Zissels. As Cornel and Asher have
> indicated, over time, the content of the museum is very likely to
> become self-correcting.
> Because this project is not our project, the choice of exact
> materials may not be entirely ours, but there is now reasonable hope
> that we will be heard and taken seriously. Thus the call for
> flexibility. I think if we have it, we may win; if we don't, we
> surely will lose.
> Bruce Reisch (list owner)
> Jerome Schatten (webmaster)

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