Dear Bruce,
You make an excellent point. If incorporation will make it easier to act on
our aspirations and beliefs I am for it.
Jerry Lapides, Ph.D.
-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Bruce Reisch
Sent: Monday, May 05, 2008 1:52 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Meeting in Czernowitz
At 9:08 -0400 4/10/08, Bruce Wexler, wrote:
>One other important point I'd like to make, which I've tried to make
>in the past. With a group as large as ours, we could, if unified, be
>a strong voice with regards to the future in Czernowtiz. To that
>point may I suggest that we consider the possibility of forming a
>corporation. Some of you know that the LitvakSIG is incorporated. By
>doing this they elect officers that act on behalf of their group.
In our case, when questions arise, a group of officers, gaining a
consensus of the group's feelings on certain questions, might speak
with a stronger voice than individuals writing sometimes contrary
Hi Bruce:
You make a good point, but there are some real pros and cons to
forming a formal organization. You do a good job with the "pro" side
of things, so let me mention some of the possible negatives:
1. An organization will require a number of dedicated individuals
willing to put considerable time and effort into formal
incorporation, creation of by-laws, attendance at meetings, and
deciding upon actions and policies. Do we have a group willing to
devote the time and energy necessary?
2. An organization might also create problems of various kinds -
those close to the Litvak SIG (your example) may know that there have
been communication problems and many disagreements among its
leadership. Sometimes this has prevented progress on the very issues
for which it was created.
3. We already have an organization - "Hitachdut Olei Bucovina", the
World Organization of Bukovina Jews. Members of this list not
already members of the World Organization are encouraged to join. We
would speak most effectively if we speak as one unit. I believe that
our listserv has helped to foster worldwide communication among
Bukovina Jews and their descendants. But to create a parallel
organization, unless its goals and objectives are clearly different,
would not be a good approach.
In any case, that's just my opinion.
Warmest wishes,
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