[Cz-L] My Czernowitz

From: Zev Cohen <cohen.zev_at_gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 08 May 2008 11:18:42 +0300
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: Zev Cohen <cohen.zev_at_gmail.com>

To the readers of Hebrew among us I would like to warmly recommend Prof. Zvi
Yavetz' recently published book 'My Czernowitz' (Czernowitz Sheli, 2007
Kinneret, Zmora-Bitan, Dvir Publishing House)). It is a fascinating and
edifying memoir of his childhood in Czernowitz. The book includes a
collection of wonderful photos of family, friends, other well known
Czernowitzers and street types. There is a list of Czernowitz sreet names in
German and Romanian as well as an Austrian era city map.
Hopefully the book will be translated into other languages.
Prof. Yavetz, as you may know is a pre-eminent historian and world renowned
expert in Roman history. My late father Moshe (of Wolkowce in Galicia, some
50-60 km north of CZ) and he were good friends.


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