[Cz-L] Gary Rogovin: response to Larry Tauber email of 6/17/08 re: setting up of a Traian Popovichi Plaque fund

From: <grcpa_at_att.net>
Date: Tue, 17 Jun 2008 23:08:16 +0000
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: grcpa_at_att.net


Dear Mr. Tauber,

Thank you for the suggestions in your below email to the CZ list and myself. I
think that suggestion # 2 is certainly worth consideration.

With regard to suggestion # 1, the Popovichi Plaque Project will involve no more
than $2500-$3000 at most in contributions and then disbursement of same.

I assume that you are a lawyer and, as you would be well aware, the retaining of
a Law firm can be expensive. In this case, it would perhaps cost as much as the
plaque itself unless a Law firm would be willing to handle it "Pro Bono".

Accordingly, I do not believe that the limited dollar exposure to loss via theft
or other incident, warrants that kind of expenditure, especially if the cash
account is controlled by members in the CZ-L group.

Gary Rogovin CPA

-------------- Original message from "Larry Tauber" <ltauber_at_ctswlaw.com>:

> Some additional suggestions regarding the bank account and depositing
> funds:
> 1. Use a law firm as an escrow agent.
> 2. See if a Jewish charity, particularly one operating in Eastern
> Europe, would be willing to hold and administer funds. They might have
> an agent in the area who can make sure they are used properly. Perhaps
> The
> Ronald S. Lauder Foundation which funds several schools in the Ukraine.
> Larry Tauber
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