Re: [Cz-L] Pavolye and Pameylach

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Wed, 25 Jun 2008 17:00:31 -0400
To: HARDY BREIER <>, Czernowitz <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>

By Pavolye was meant slow, just plain slow.
Pameylach, on the other hand, meant slow, because whoever did something
slowly, did so on purpose, as if he had all the time in the world
and his slowness was annoying. For instance:
"By mir brent es ind er tiht alles pameylach pameylach".
Literally: with me it burns and he does everything as a king.
Meaning: I am in a hurry and he takes his time.
Kings are not necessarily known to be slow, but they can take their time.

Other expressions were:

ER SITZT OF SHPILKES - he sits on pins, meaning he has no patience
ER LOIFT VI A NISHT-GITS - he runs as the evil one
CHAP NISHT - literally: do not catch, meaning: let me finish, don't
interrupt, or: wait, till you know more.
Similar is the saying: ER CHAPT HAYSSE PIROGEN - he catches hot PIROGEN,
meaning: he is impetuously hasty.


> Pawolie.
> As already pointed out by Mimi, the Yiddish term Pawolie derives
> from the Ukrainean " po wolie " meaning something like
> " at ease " or " according to will " . In Yiddish we used it as "slow".
> This means if you do anything according to your will it will be
> at a slow and easy pace. Good enough.
> The German term "langsam " was not very much in use .
> But pawolie was not good enough, so they came up with another term :
> " Pameilach".
> "Er kricht arof die Stigen pameilech ,pameilech".
> Where does this come from ? "Meilech" is king in Hebrew and
> " Po Meilech " is then " as a king ".
> Are kings famous for being slow ?
> Well, they have all the time in the world but where does it say
> that they were slow?
> Does anybody know ?
> Hardy
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