[Cz-L] Mein Hut - Hakova Sheli

From: Miriam Suss <msuss_at_bigpond.net.au>
Date: Mon, 30 Jun 2008 23:00:29 +1000
To: 'Czernowitz list' <Czernowitz-L_at_CORNELL.EDU>
Reply-to: Miriam Suss <msuss_at_bigpond.net.au>

Eduard & Gabriele,
Always thought this was a Hebrew song:
Lakova sheli shalosh pinot, shalosh pinot lakova sheli
V'im lo hayu lo shalosh pinot - lo haya ze hakova sheli

And again in English: My hat has three corners, three corners has my
hat,...and if he wouldn't have three corners, then it wouldn't be my hat.
Miriam Suss
Melbourne, Australia
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