Per Miriam Taylor's request on behalf of Helene Spacek, below is the Chernivtsi Oblast archives contact information as of March 2005, according to the Ukranian Research Institute of Harvard Universiy.
Since the numerical portion of the address (58029)indicated in the below contact information differs from the 274001 indicated in Florence Heyman's email of 7/3/08, I suggest that Helene email the archives at: state_arhive_at_sacura.net to verify the current address.
While I do not read Russian, the Chernivtsi Oblast archives web-site home page at: http://www.archives.gov.ua/Archives/index.php?ra25 , shows 58029 at the top of the page, the same address number indicated by Harvard University.
Gary Rogovin
Ukrainian Research Institute
Harvard University
Derzhavnyi arkhiv Chernivets'koi oblasti
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Chernovitskoi oblasti
[State Archive of Chernivtsi Oblast]
Agency: Derzhkomarkhiv
Address: 58029, Chernivtsi, vul. Stasiuka, 20 (korp. 1); vul. Shevchenka, 2 (korp. 2)
Telephone: (38-03722) 3-20-31 (korp. 1); 2-49-23 (korp. 2); Fax: 3-20-31
Hours: M-F 9:00-18:00
Director:Dmytro Dmytrovych Zhmunduliak
Deputy Director:Liudmyla Stepanivna Anokhina
Previous names:
Chernivets'kyi oblasnyi derzhavnyi arkhiv
Chernovitskii oblastnoi gosudarstvennyi arkhiv
[Chernivtsi Oblast State Archive]
Derzhavnyi arkhiv Chernivets'koi oblasti
Gosudarstvennyi arkhiv Chernovitskoi oblasti
[State Archive of Chernivtsi Oblast]
before 1991 (separate):
Partiinyi arkhiv Chernivets'koho oblasnoho komitetu KPU
Partiinyi arkhiv Chernovitskogo oblastnogo komiteta KPU
[Party Archive of the Chernivtsi Oblast Committee CPU]
General Descriptions: See PKG Archives: Ukraine (1988), pp. 654-63
Arkhivni ustanovy Ukrainy (2000), pp. 139-42.
Record last updated: March, 2005
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