RE: [Cz-L] Popovici plaque authorized

From: Emil Hitzig <>
Date: Wed, 30 Jul 2008 19:34:37 +0300
To: 'HARDY BREIER' <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, 'Miriam Taylor' <>, 'David Glynn' <>, 'Czernowitz' <>
Reply-to: Emil Hitzig <>

Dear Mimi,

The Transnistrean holocaust was in one hand the big shame of the Romanians,
and in second hand after the war the Ukrainians got Northern Bukovina as war
compensation. The Ukrainian authorities will do all to avoid any future
demand of border reassessment and so any record of Romanian presence in
Bukovina omitting the Romanian inscriptions, even reminding the darkest time
in this place.
 NOT all former Czernowitz Rumanians are fluent in Ukrainian.
The sources of the enmity between Ukrainians and Romanians are the horrible
atrocities committed by the Antonescu's troops in Ukraine during WW2.
Because today Rumanian tourists know English I thing that the best
compromise, is to have only the plate in English.
  We could have the plate in Rumanian and Eminescu in Bucharest and in
cities in the Rumanian Bukovina.

Best regards,
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