[Cz-L] October in CZ

From: Sylvia de Swaan <sylvia.deswaan_at_gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 24 Aug 2008 17:26:57 -0700
To: Czernowitz-L_at_list.cornell.edu
Reply-to: Sylvia de Swaan <sylvia.deswaan_at_gmail.com>

Hi Cornel & anyone else who will be in CZ for celebrations & who'd like to
come to my slide talk - it will be in English and geared towards photo
students, artists and general public - I will show selections from several
long term projects, including "Return" and will speak about the construction
of narrative in photography. I trust that it all comes together without a
hitch as haven't heard a word from my contact person - a young translator
who arranged this for me - since she and her husband went on vacation to
Tbilisi sometime in July. I hope it only means that she is too busy to
I will be in Chernivtsi for a total of twelve days and looking forward to
seeing the 600 celebrations - spending time documenting the cemeteries in Cz
and Sadagora, the Jewish museum, possibly visit municipal registry to find
documentation relating to my family - and walking the streets to see what
there is to see and where to point my camera. I would appreciate any
information information that anyone can provide and look forward to meeting
anyone else who is there -

best regards


Sylvia de Swaan
1410 Genesee Street
Utica, NY 13502
(315) 732-5048

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