hi all, hermann's idea to talk to the kids is a good one,and i am quite
happy to do so during the 600 event. What i would need is somebody who know=
the school to make the offer and then they could contact me. cornel
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-2992713-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu
[mailto:bounce-2992713-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Herrmann,
Sent: 01 September 2008 09:49
To: Miriam Taylor; Anny Matar; Czernowitz Genealogy and History
Subject: AW: [Cz-L] THE volunteer cleaning of the cemetery in our city.
Dear Mimi, dear Anny Matar, dear Czernowitzers,
In answer of your mails I have to correct some things.
I did not bring a group of Germans to Czernowitz. All volunteers - the
Germans, French, Swedish, Polish, Italian, Americans and Australian - came
as participants of a work-camp by SVIT-Ukraine on their own expenses.
The organization I work for is in now way involved in my personal activitie=
around the work-camp.
Mimi was the one who invested the most to make this work-camp true. It was
she who wrote to the mayor and to the volunteer organizations and went
through the endless and tiring ups and downs of this communication, at leas=
Mimi describes very good the contribution of all others: John Myers, Julia
Miyasyshevka, the city's administration, the volunteers, the work-camp
leaders, the students of the local school. I support the idea to send a
thank-you message to them.
In case of the local students I would like to make a proposal: They are the
Czernowitzers of today, you are the ones who know everything about the
city's past. Why not offering them to ask you questions and to learn about
the history and fate of the town? This could be a wonderful school project
during the anniversary.
During the last two weeks I received many individual thank-yous from member=
of the list, some of them very touching. I'm very grateful about this. I
feel that I profited a lot from the knowledge and passion of many of the
list's members, more then I ever could give back. You enriched my life.
Best wishes
Christian Herrmann
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