[Cz-L] Official Letter to Chernivtsi Ukraine Forum Cancellation

From: <Reinhold.Czarny_at_t-online.de>
Date: Tue, 02 Sep 2008 07:54:50 -0400
To: Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: "Reinhold.Czarny_at_t-online.de" <Reinhold.Czarny_at_t-online.de> (by way of Bruce Reisch)

[Message from Chernivtsi Regional State Administration, forwarded to
the list by Reinhold Czarny. Moderator Bruce]

Honourable Ladies and Gentlemen!

Taking an opportunity, Chernivtsi Regional State Administration
expresses high honour to you and informs about the following.

As we informed you before, Chernivtsi Regional State Administration
in common with Chernivtsi Regional Council, Chernivtsi City Council
initiated the First World Bukovinians Forum, which will be held in
October once a year.

The holding of the First World Bukovinians Forum was planned on 2-3
October, 2008. The regional authority has carried out a sustainable
work on the Forum's holding. Unfortunately, the element has happened
in our region. At the end of July, 2008 the thunderstorms of many
days caused catastrophic flood, as a result the hundreds dwelling
houses, roads, bridges have been destroyed, villages and towns,
organizations and institutions have been flooded, also there are
human victims. A considerable organizational effort, material
resources and funds were set in motion to overcome the flood
consequences. In the region the emergency ecological situation was
announced by the Decree of the President of Ukraine. Because of
above-mentioned reasons the holding of the First World Bukovinians
Forum in 2008 is canceled and fixed for 2009.

We will inform you in time about the date of the Forum in 2009, also
we express our excuses for such inconveniences and hope, that the
next year this Forum, as well as our meeting will take place on the
higher organizational, creative and emotional level.

Thank you for the understanding.

Respectfully yours and with the best wishes,

Head of Chernivtsi Regional

State Administration
 Volodymyr Kulish

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