Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Museum in Czernowitz.

Date: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 07:27:39 +0300
To: Miriam Taylor <>, Czernowitz <>

  There are no other Museums in the Palace.
   It is "our Museum " all right.
    They will expose Hassidic garments ,it says.
      Why not ask Maita Prout ?
       The way you conclude with a " Fledermaus " quotation is so disarming
          that all my charges evaporate.
           This is to the unsinkable Mimi Taylor.
----- Original Message -----
From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
To: "HARDY BREIER" <>; "Czernowitz"
Sent: Tuesday, September 16, 2008 4:10 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Museum in Czernowitz.

> Miriam (Mimi) Taylor <>
> I am late in telling you about what I saw of the Jewish Museum,
> in Chernivtsi. Both because I have been very busy and because
> I really have very little to tell. Natalya Shevchenko, showed me
> the rooms in which the museum will be housed, she spoke to me
> about some of the exhibits. I asked her to meet with the volunteers
> and she did. At the time I was there, non of the exhibits was up yet.
> By chance I also met Josif Zissels as he was bringing stuff into the
> building. I asked neither Natalya Shevchenko, nor Josif Zissels,
> about the inclusion of Holocaust material in the museum.
> So that all I can say is: I do not know.
> I also do not know when the museum was supposed to open.
> Possibly the "Museum of History of Bukovina", is in the same building,
> but as another museum. The building is a 3 story building, the Jewish
> Museum is on the ground floor, two rooms on the right as you enter,
> there are many other rooms in the building.
> The space allotted to the museum is very small, hardly a museum.
> In addition there is a room containing a Jewish library and possibly,
> also archives.
> Glucklich ist wer vergisst was nicht mehr zu andern ist.
> (He is happy, who forgets, what no longer can be changed.)
> Mimi
>> To All,
>> Not so long ago the the Ehpes was in agitation:
>> The Jewish Museum debate.
>> The Holocaust inclusion involved almost all members of
>> the group, letters to Mr. Zissels were sent and finally
>> victory was achieved. Our voice was heard .
>> The Holocaust will be shown.
>> We celebrated.
>> What happened since ?
>> Although some members of the group visited the town
>> there was no report on the Museum.
>> I have not been there but I have information.
>> The Museum opened somewhere in August .
>> If you are not initiated ,you wouldn't know.
>> Why so ?
>> Because they call it " Museum of History of Bukovina."
>> The name Jewish does not appear.
>> It is the Museum we speak of ,the adress is right : The
>> Jewish Community House now called Palace of Culture.
>> Did Mr. Zissels agree to this ? He must have.
>> We were so happy that, at last ,we would have a Museum .
>> How would an innocent bypasser looking for the
>> Jewish Museum know ?
>> He wouldn't.
>> Why did this happen ? I have no satisfying answer.
>> Maybe you do.
>> Hardy
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