[Cz-L] Gary Rogovin The dishonouring of Popovici-the distortion of historical truth

From: <grcpa_at_att.net>
Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 04:04:25 +0000
To: czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu
Reply-to: grcpa_at_att.net


Dear CZ List members,

I completely agree with the sentiments of Andrew Halmay "I would make it clear to the city fathers of Chernivtsy that Popovici was Romanian, not German nor Ukrainian, that this
plaque is intended to honor him, not to exclude his mother tongue which is to insult him.
If they have an objection to Romanian then we will mount the plaque on his ancestral home
in Romania and direct all tourism to it instead of to Chernivtsy" and those of Jerome Schatten,
"..not only do we dishonour Popovici by whittling away at his memorial, but we dishonour
ourselves for becoming a willing partner in this nonsensical whitewashing of the facts..if in the end we give tacit consent to this not so subtle historical revisionism".
To go along with the position of the Chernivtsi City Officials regarding the elimination of the Rumanian inscription, is to be complicit in their prejudicial attempt to eliminate Czernowitz's Rumanian history. This is the philosophy of despots, a tactic used by such as Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his denial of the Holocaust. One would think that with Russia's undeclared plans to resurrect the Soviet Union, which could ultimately lead to their invasion of the Ukraine, that the Ukrainians, who are desperately seeking admission to NATO in anticipation of this possibility, would shed the Soviet era practice of lies and deceit and adopt the transparency values of NATO members.

I recognize and truly appreciate Miriam Taylor's enormous effort in make the Popovichi plaque a reality. I hope that this can still be accomplished without the price of surrendering our principles.

Gary Rogovin

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