Re: [Cz-L] Gary Rogovin The dishonouring of Popovici-the distortion of historical truth

Date: Sun, 21 Sep 2008 15:07:28 +0300

Dear All,
   You exasperation is justified but let us consider the options:
     1. Directing all tourism to Fundu Moldovei is not very practical. How
are we going to do this ?
         By placing a shield at the City gates calling: "All tourists are
advised not to stop
          in Czernowitz but continue to Fundu Moldovei where Popovici is
memorialized ,here he's not."
     2. Dishonour ourselves ? By having plate without Rumanian rather than
no plate?
         Yes ,we dishonour ourselves to dust. Honor is passing - plates
     3. I don't give a hoot on Czernowitz Rumanian History.
     4. We hold our tri-lingual plate until the Ukraine joins the NATO?
            This is a practical suggestion, I go for this.
----- Original Message -----
From: <>
To: <>
Cc: <>; <>
Sent: Sunday, September 21, 2008 7:04 AM
Subject: [Cz-L] Gary Rogovin The dishonouring of Popovici-the distortion of
historical truth

> 9-20-08
> Dear CZ List members,
> I completely agree with the sentiments of Andrew Halmay "I would make it
> clear to the city fathers of Chernivtsy that Popovici was Romanian, not
> German nor Ukrainian, that this
> plaque is intended to honor him, not to exclude his mother tongue which is
> to insult him.
> If they have an objection to Romanian then we will mount the plaque on his
> ancestral home
> in Romania and direct all tourism to it instead of to Chernivtsy" and
> those of Jerome Schatten,
> "..not only do we dishonour Popovici by whittling away at his memorial,
> but we dishonour
> ourselves for becoming a willing partner in this nonsensical whitewashing
> of the facts..if in the end we give tacit consent to this not so subtle
> historical revisionism".
> To go along with the position of the Chernivtsi City Officials regarding
> the elimination of the Rumanian inscription, is to be complicit in their
> prejudicial attempt to eliminate Czernowitz's Rumanian history. This is
> the philosophy of despots, a tactic used by such as Iranian President
> Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in his denial of the Holocaust. One would think that
> with Russia's undeclared plans to resurrect the Soviet Union, which could
> ultimately lead to their invasion of the Ukraine, that the Ukrainians, who
> are desperately seeking admission to NATO in anticipation of this
> possibility, would shed the Soviet era practice of lies and deceit and
> adopt the transparency values of NATO members.
> I recognize and truly appreciate Miriam Taylor's enormous effort in make
> the Popovichi plaque a reality. I hope that this can still be accomplished
> without the price of surrendering our principles.
> Gary Rogovin
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