Re: [Cz-L] 2 Excellent Czernowitz Maps posted

From: yosi-jerry <>
Date: Fri, 30 Jan 2009 14:05:14 +0200
To: jerome schatten <>, czernowitz-L <>
Reply-to: yosi-jerry <>

First, many thanks to Edgar Hauser for the excellent high-resolutioned
scan, and once again Jerome for his computer craftsmanship, and generally
for keeping and handling our (his) site. I can not date exactly the maps but
give an estimate by what concerns the street where my family lived
(Slowacky, Filipescu, Pervamayska, Pershatravena) which does not appear on
the Austrian map but seems to be sketched by hand later, and by the fact
that on the Romanian map the street it is not divided by 2 names (Filipescu,
and Ilie Luta). Therefore my estimate is that the Austrian map is from
sometime between the end of the last decade of the 19th and the beginning of
the first decade of 20th century. The Romanian map according to my
estimation is from the end of the 20ties of the 20th century. I'll be
thankful if some of our more knowledgeable members will be able to enlighten
me on the subject because it will help on a kind of research I'm doing.
Thanks and all the best
  Yosef Eshet (Jerry Wolf), Raanana, Israel

----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Sent: Thursday, January 29, 2009 9:53 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] 2 Excellent Czernowitz Maps posted

> Czernowitzers...
> Edgar Hauster has scanned two really superb street maps: one from
> Austrian times, and one from Romanian times. These are large files and
> may take some time to load. I also have higher resolution versions than
> those that are on the website that I can put up for downloading if anyone
> is interested.
> The Romanian version:
> <>
> The Austrian version:
> <>
> Of course you could get there from the home page:
> <> and selecting 'Maps' from the Menu on the
> left side. The two maps are the last two on the page.
> I would like to date these maps if possible, so if anyone has a more
> precise idea of when they were originally produced I would add that to
> the information on the 'landing page'.
> I'll be away for the month of February with only limited email
> capability. So, if I'm slow in replying, that's why.
> Best,
> jerome

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