Re: [Cz-L] Work currently being done in the cemetery.

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 22 May 2009 14:40:04 -0400
To: Berti <>, Czernowitz Genealogy and History <>, HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

In answer to Hardy and Berti:

To calculate the size of the cemetery I used Google maps, satellite map.
You can access it individually through:

[Moderator's note: If the long link above doesn't work, try <>]

I zoomed in and out to get a scale of 50m = 1.65cm.
The average width of the cemetery is 10.2cm = 309 meter
The average length is 13cm = 394 meter
It follows that the size of the cemetery is about 121 746 square meter.
Round it up to 125 000 square meter = 12.5 hectare.
The paths are partially just as overgrown as the burial areas or plots,
Therefore I will only deduct 4% from the total area, to get an estimate
of the area which needs to be cleared: 125 000 x 96% = 120 000 square meter.

On 5/22/09 8:46 AM, "HARDY BREIER" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET> wrote:

> A little cemetery calculation :
> The total area is 140,000 sqm.
> Out of this 50 % is vegetation (a wild guess ).
> The rest being graves ,paths ,buildings and whatmore.
> Trees ,vines ,creepers grow annually from 10-20 inches.
> Lets say 0.3 m. It doesnt matter in which direction.
> And so the 70,000 sqm of bush produces 21,000 cubic meters of growth
> anually.
> Or 57 cum per day. Including Saturdays and National Holidays ( In
> winter less
> in the summer more.)
> If the woodcutters remove around 60 cum a day (measured loosely as in
> nature)
> we just stay even.
> If they cut less ,the forest wins.
> What they cut can be measured.
> This calculation is just a rough estimate.
> How much off can I be ?
> Hardy
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Miriam Taylor" <>
> To: <>
> Sent: Friday, May 22, 2009 6:08 AM
> Subject: [Cz-L] Work currently being done in the cemetery.
>> Sasha Wolloch and I, both received today messages from Dr. Bursuk
>> about the progress of the work being done at the cemetery.
>> Apparently the work is proceeding slowly but surely and Dr. Bursuk
>> is checking on it frequently.
>> Mimi

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