[Cz-L] Love Czernowitz Style

Date: Tue, 05 Jan 2010 11:41:40 +0200
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>

The Fruchters.

  In our house there lived a family named Fruchter.
  A widowed mother with two daughters.
  The daughters were in their thirties and still unmarried ,
  A big worry to their mother.
  One of them was a striking beauty , big eyes , black hair and a posture
of a queen.
   Then one day she found a man - tall , tanned and good-looking.
   Soon he moved in.
   He was very much in love with her and a charming gentleman.
    He was also very much married.
     With two little children.
      His wife did not give up easily , first she hired professional
      assistance from the local magic makers :
    Spells were cast, chicken entrails and lizard livers were pinned
   to her door and incantations sung - all to no avail .
    In despair the wife resorted to the old proven remedy : public scandal.
    This always worked ib Czernowitz.
         She would appear before the window of the house and start a
   People gathered . Soon she addressed the girl directly accusing her of
   possible demeaning crimes . The public was impressed .
   She would shout : " You cheap little husband thief, you Kurve , you
    heartless slut…
    Not a bad word against Mr. Casanova. He will get his at home.
     The public showed sympathy and participated.
   Czernowitzer liked scandals, the best entertainment in town.

     This continued for a few days and then ,furtively, the Casanova left
      the love nest and returned home.
     The girl didn’t come out of the house since.
     The humiliation was too big.
      She couldn’t show her face in public.
    There was no way to keep on living with this humiliation.
     Not in pre –war Czernowitz anyway..
        No choice left , she took her life ,swallowing sleeping pills.
     This is a true story. Sad and true.

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