Re: [Cz-L] Planning Trip to Czernowitz

From: Ilana Gordon <>
Date: Sat, 13 Mar 2010 09:31:17 -0500
To: YASO <>,
Reply-to: Ilana Gordon <>

Shalom Aizac,

Just about a year ago I made my first trip to Czernowitz and was also
in the same position as you--asking for help from this list.

I must first agree with Mimi to contact Zoya Danilovic. Her
recommendations were perfect. She arranged pickup for us from all our
transfer points with very professional and knowledgeable people. All
communication was done via email with all guides.

Because my father is from Lviv we chose to go to CZ via Lviv. The
planes were not running so we chose to drive.

Our itinerary:
US to Kiev
Kiev to Lviv
Lviv to Czernowitz
Czernowitz to Lviv
Lviv to Budapest
Budapest home

In each of these cities, Zoya had arranged for a guide. Each one was
fabulous! Zoya also was key to our gaining access to family birth and
death certificates as well as my grandfather's 1944 arrest records
which are now archived at the SBU. If you're interested I can
elaborate in another email. Her knowledge of the city and it's history
was so important since my mother could not be with us.

The drive to Lviv did take around 4 hours. I guess it depends on the
driver. We didn't mind the drive because the countryside is so
interesting and it was Easter Monday when we traveled--a very amazing
time to be traveling throughout the countryside of the Ukraine.

We stayed overnight in Lviv and were quite amazed with that city. It
is a beautiful place. We even went to the Opera. The hotel, We stayed
at the Leopolis, a 5-star hotel in the oldest part of the city, at a
very reasonable price. The Prime Minister of Canada was there at the
same time. Dinner at the best restaurant in Lviv (great food) for 5
people with wine was $25.

The guide that Zoya connected us with in Lviv was able to locate my
father's home. Previously my cousins in Israel had gone to Lviv for
the same purpose but their guide said the building had been torn down.
He even arranged a meeting for us with the Director of Archives in
Lviv who told us how to arrange to get ownership and building records
of my father's family business. Six months later, I received an
official document from the Ukrainian government that was the original
plans and ownership record of the family business, a bakery. I
understand this is very unusual to be able to obtain such papers. The
papers go back to 1920 when my great grandparents first built their

In Czernowitz we stayed at the Magnut hotel. Clean and
adequate--nothing like the Leopolis but centrally located and around
the corner from my mother's house.

Our driver, Anatoli, who Zoya arranged to be with us for 3 days, was
so helpful. He even helped my husband clear paths in the cemetery when
we were looking for our family's graves. He also picked us up in Lviv
and drove us back.

Zoya's info is as follows. I hope you have a wonderful trip and this
information is helpful.

380503747244 (home)
380 372273173 (molbile)

Ilana Gordon

On Thu, Mar 11, 2010 at 4:49 AM, YASO <> wrote:
> Shalom,
> After discussing (by phone) my plans for a trip to Czernowitz with fellow
> member  Hardy  Breier, he advised the obvious -, "post an intelligent
> message
> to the group."  So without further adieu, here goes.
> All this is still tentative and only in the planning stage.
> A 10 day working trip to Czernowitz and some "shteitels" and towns in the
> vicinity.
> Together  with cousin Harriet who like me is also deep into genealogy.
> When: last 10 days of May 2010
> Itinerary:  Spend about two days in the Archives of Czernowitz
>                     6-8 days traveling around to the different shteitels
> and
>                     towns.
> Would like to hear from the group about:
> Airline: I seem to have a knee jerk reaction concerning Ukrainian Airlines,
> am I
>               over reacting?
> Hotel:   We are looking for a good clean Hotel; Hardy Breier recommended
>               Magnat ; or Bukovina  or Chernosh  (the spelling might not be
> correct).
> Kosher Catering/ Restaurant:  Are there any in Czernowitz?
> Guide: / Driver/ Translator/ Jewish Historian-Genealogist: All in one, if
> possible.
>                Yes, I know "Alles Bei Einem Eeeez  Nisht Dooo Bei Kainem."
> But I
>                can try.  Hardy Breier advised to try contacting,  Professor
> Peter Rychlo
>                (I do not know if I have his spelling correct). According to
> Hardy
>                Breier,  he is the head of the Jewish Studies desk at
> Czernowitz
>                University. Sometimes he acts as a guide for groups. Does
> anyone
>                have his email address or a way to contact him?
> Thank you in advance for your  kind assistance and attention. All the best,
> Aizic Sechter
> Israel
> PS Still looking for any one in the group that has information concerning
>  Mamayesti (Just North-West of Czernowitz) and MEHLER family.

Ilana Gordon
Word Wizards, Inc
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Bethesda, MD 20814
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