Did Ehpes ever publish a list and description of the synagogues, shils,
shtieblech where Jews davened, maintaining a regular dialogue with the
Reboineshel oilim and with each other. I would dearly like such a list.
----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
To: "czernowitz-L" <>
Cc: "Edgar Hauster" <>
Sent: Sunday, May 09, 2010 9:40 PM
Subject: [Cz-L] E.Hauster in Mohyliv-Podilskyi
> Czernowitzers...
> Edgar Hauster is once again on the road... he reports as follows:
> ===================
> [... I'm on the road again (of course by motorbike), currently spending
> a few days in Czernowitz. Yesterday afternoon I returned from a journey
> to Mohyliv-Podilskyi in Transnistria. I've established a close
> connection to the Jewish Community of Mohyliv-Podilskyi, particularly to
> Leonid Brechman, their chairman. He's doing a superbe job, the Community
> being the focal point for most of the Jews of Mohyliv-Podilskyi. There
> are currently living 279 Jews in Mohyliv-Podilskyi, 54 of them having
> survived the Ghetto and the Holocaust. I've released a (German) post,
> displaying several pictures and a video clip at
> In addition I've visited the Jewish Cemetery of Mohyliv-Podilskyi, with
> 17 ha even larger and in a much better shape than those in Czernowitz.
> There were so incredible many victims of the Holocaust to be buried
> there. The cemetry is divided in three sections:
> 1. New Cemetery
> 2. Old Cemetery
> 3. Romanian (i. e. Bukovinian) Cemetery
> I was of course focused on the so called Romanian Cemetry, taking as
> many pictures as I could manage in a reasonable time. I've tried to take
> especially pictures of those headstones, whose inscriptions were somehow
> readable. At the end of the day we've got 183 pictures... ]
> ================================
> I am now working on making the album to display the pictures that Edgar
> refers to above. I'll let you know when it's posted. Do have a look at
> the link posted above -- the video is very good and of course, so are
> the pictures. Google does a very acceptable job of translating the
> entire page if your German is like mine.
> Best,
> jerome
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