Analyzing Mr Gicas declaration:
The jews of 1918 Romania found asylum from Slavic persecutions.
HB : True , in 1918 Romania was a better choice after the Russian
barbaric pogromes. The Jews tipped the choice for Romania.
The jewish vote was decisive !
However,many of them became NKVD assasins and
killed and deported over 10,000
Romanians from Basarabia/Bukovina between 1939-1941 (when Stalin and Hitler
diktated these Romanian lands be given to Soviet Union and N. transylvania
to Hungarians).
HB : Most of the deported were jewish as being exploiters of the workers.
NKVD assassins ? Never heard of jews assassins. There were some
communist jewish youngsters who molested Rumanian troops.
Never heard of mass -killings of Romanians.
Any mass killings of Jews between 1941-1944 were
retaliations for the Romanian victims killed by the Communist Jews between
39-41(you reap what you saw).
HB : Including Chief Rabbi Mark and burning of the Temple !
Was this to hurt Jewish communists ?
YET, Romania PROHIBITTED the Germans to take to the extermination camps ANY
Romanian-Jew, because they were citizens of Romania. Hungary didn’t,
Bulgaria didn’t, Poland didn’t, Ukraine didn’t; but “Fascist” Romania
PROTECTED its Jews from the camps and only killed the Bukovinean/Besserabian
Jews who had witnessed and provoked the Romanian genocide between 1939-1941.
HB: True in general (Bulgaria did) - except some Jews in Iassy, Dorohoi,
,Transylvania .
Rumanian genocide ?
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