Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Wall street.

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Sun, 06 Jun 2010 14:10:01 -0400
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

This photograph looks as if it was taken before WW1. Lots of Prievatiers.
I looked at the address book of 1914, among the people who's names start
with the letter "A" there are 13 male privatiers. One woman is a "private"

In the 1936 address book, of the 5 first former "privatier",
one has become a "proprietor" - owner
one has become a "comerc." - I assume this means merchant.
one is now a func.i.r. - functionary of some sort,
One has either died or moved away, because he is no longer listed and
one "privatier"has changed his first name from Johann to Ioan and is now a
func. of the ptt., the Post and Telegraph office.

No "privatiers" under Romanian rule. Everyone is employed.
Was there still a stock market during the Romanian times?
Did anyone want to invest in it?


On 6/6/10 1:14 AM, "HARDY BREIER" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET> wrote:

> Old Postgasse with the Stock Exchange.
> Czernowitzer Wall street.
> The street is full of Privatiers.
> In Yiddish the word was Leidiggeiers.
> That is idle goers. Idlers.
> Ledig in German is single.
> In Yiddish it changed to leidig -empty.
> Relates to the life of the single person.
> Hardy

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