Re: [Cz-L] How we spoke in Czernowitz.

From: Mike <>
Date: Sun, 19 Sep 2010 12:14:59 +0100
Reply-to: Mike <>

A giiten yahr to one and all. I hope that those fasting are now
recovered or recovering.

My father used verschimmelt only to indicate that something was mouldy
or rotten and, by extension, dirty, nasty or otherwise to be avoided.
For example, if he were alive today to see his adopted home town in
England (Bradford, which has seen a terrible economic decline since the
collapse of the wool industry) he would described the run-down city
centre as "ganz verschimmelt".

If someone had been on at him so that he was gehakt in kop, then he'd
just be zemischt.

cornel fleming wrote:

>I thought this should be"ganz verschimmelt".i.e....made me totally confused.
>Literally it means covered in mould, made me mouldy. Cornel
>-----Original Message-----
>[] On Behalf Of Miriam Taylor
>Sent: 18 September 2010 15:20
>Subject: Re: [Cz-L] How we spoke in Czernowitz.
>I have not heard this expression for a long time, any idea where it comes
>I remember it being used as: "Er hat azoi sach mir gehakt in kop bis er hot
>mech ganz verzhimzhet "
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