Re: [Cz-L] Rose (Roza) Dauber's Trauma

From: Mark Wiznitzer <>
Date: Wed, 26 Jan 2011 12:07:45 -0500
To: Edgar Hauster <>
Reply-to: Mark Wiznitzer <>

During my visit to the Bukovina town of Vashkivtsi (Waschkoutz am
Cheremosh), where my father was born, in May 2010, former Mayor
Mikhaelo Sydor took us to a field on the edge of town where Jews were
murdered and buried in 1941.

Attached is a photo of the stone erected in that place. Leonid
Lifshitz, who makes a living finding and maintaining individual
gravesites in the Czernovitz Jewish cemetery and has close ties to the
city's Chabad Lubavitch rabbi, told us he personally had pushed for
the marker to be installed; he may have more details about the
killing. The stone is in a grove of trees surrounded by farmland, off
a road west of the town center that is in sight of the monasteries on
the nearby Carpathian hills.

We visited the site again this past October during the time my family
and I cleared the Vashkivtsi Jewish cemetery with the help of Mayor
Sydor, Alexander Tauscher and several local workmen.

This massacre presumably took place at the start of the
German/Romanian ethnic cleansing, but before the town's remaining Jews
were deported to Transnistria, The "Geschichte der Juden in der
Bukovina" does not make reference to this event. This may be the
traumatic event in the corn field remembered by Rose Dauber.


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Czernowitz Discussion Group <>
cc Galina Kharaz <>,
Peter Elbau <>

2011/1/26 Edgar Hauster <>:
> Czernowitzers...
> Please do your best in order to assist Rose (Roza) Dauber. Larisa adresse=
d (in Ukrainian) Galina Kharaz, the Webmaster of the Chernivtsi Museum of B=
ukovinian Jewish History and Culture, who conveyed this message to me, aski=
ng our group to assist Rose (Roza) Dauber, if possible. Here is the text, t=
ranslated to English by an online translator, but however apparently quite =
> "Now living in Israel nee Rose (Roza) Dauber , at the beginning of WWII e=
ight-year child witnessed the shooting of his parents and older sister. Ros=
e remembers the locality near which it happened, but it remained in memory =
as: Vashkovtsy, Rus Banyliv and corn field. She with another sister managed=
 through Romania move to Palestine, grew up, got married, but never forgott=
en those terrible events. Her parents:=9A father Dauber Anchel (born 1897),=
 son of Ettel Dauber=9A and David Hudes; mother Dauber Zlata (born 1897), d=
aughter of Yosek and=9A Haya Raynberh.=9A Marriage parents concluded 11.02.=
1925. Rose was born 04.14.1932, sister Regina was born on 04.02.1926. Who m=
ay be able to help and talk about events of that time, The work will be pai=
d. I hope that the emotional pain of these women may be a little easier con=
cerned people."
> [You must have Cyrillic fonts installed to make sense out of this -- we
> pass it through to you in case you do.]
> For those, who read Ukrainian, here is the original text:

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