Re: [Cz-L] The English we write. Redux

From: jerome schatten <>
Date: Thu, 13 Jan 2011 16:11:02 -0800
To: Miriam Taylor <>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <>

Hi Mimi et. al....

I'm still not sure whether we're talking about posts to the lists from
outsiders or posts to the website from outsiders or posts to the website
from list members who would be more comfortable writing a story in
another language, or....

When I receive email messages from outside the list in German, I send it
Peter Elbau; Spanish I send to Lilian Madfes, usw. I've been doing that
for years. From inside the list, If there are folks who would post if
they could have a translator, I for one would encourage the idea of
translating for them.

As for the website, I'm not sure I would want to get into deciding which
'stories' to publish and which not to publish when dealing with
outsiders. This has the potential of becoming a Royal PITA in many

I've never refused to publish anything from a list member. And, if there
are members who would feel more comfortable writing in another language
and having their story translated, I would strongly encourage that for

I don't see the value of publishing the offers of translation to the
website if we're dealing with list members -- It should be posted to the
list as are other 'workings' of the list. The website is a very public
document. I would deal with outsiders on a case by case basis of any
should surface.

If you want to advertise the translation service in different languages
in an email message to the List, I'm sure that would pass muster. In
each language you could announce who the point person and/or translator

What I would like is not to be involved with this process at all, but
have someone else handle it from start to finish. I would then receive
for the website, the finished story and photos which I would then
assemble and post. For email posts to the list, the translator can post
it for the list member if the list member is not capable of doing so

I simply cannot take on any more than I'm already doing. What I really
need is someone to edit photos and put together HTML pages. Merle
Kastner has picked up the Cookbook and the List Members' Photograph
Album and that has been a big help.

Any HTMLers out there looking for work?

Anyone interested in updating the 'Links to Other Sites' Page -- finding
new links, writing the descriptions? It's been neglected for years. You
don't have to do anything but find good links and write the
descriptions. I'll do the rest.

Lots more stuff to do if anyone is interested.
Over to you guys..

On Thu, 2011-01-13 at 16:58 -0500, Miriam Taylor wrote:
> Dear Jerome,
> Sorry about the late reply and even sorrier that I did not make my initial
> idea clearer. I did not mean to increase your or Bruce's workload.
> You two are already doing an enormous lot of work as is, for which I like
> all who have written before me are deeply grateful.
> What I meant to suggest, is that on the "ehpes" website, it say in German,
> Hebrew, and some other languages, that there are people who are willing to
> translate, an occasional message intended for the the "ehpes" website or the
> Cz.-List, written in German, Hebrew, etc.
> I now realize that my suggestion would not work for the Cz.-List, because of
> the heavy load of correspondence, but do you think it might work for the
> "ehpes" website?
> For instance, it would say in German: " If you do not write English, you may
> write us in German and we will have your message translated".
> In French it would say: If you do not write English", you may write us in
> French and we will have your message translated".
> And so on.
> Mimi
> On 1/4/11 1:10 PM, "jerome schatten" <> wrote:
> > Mimi, et al...
> >
> > Part do-able, part nightmare!
> >
> > First we must distinguish between something headed for the website -
> > 'Ehpes' from something destined for the 'List' -- [Cz-L].
> >
> > The [Cz-L] list: These are the messages you receive daily in your email
> > Inbox. Bruce or I look at each message, make a judgment as to
> > suitability, edit out the HTML text and change the header if necessary
> > (in about 1/3 of the messages), add the [Cz-L] identifier, make sure the
> > links work, and send it on it's way or not. If not, we explain why.
> > Every so often we get a message that simply won't fly because technical
> > problems in the header, and then we have to figure out why between us
> > (more time).
> >
> > Adding to this load having to sort though different languages, identify
> > the appropriate translator, send the message for translation, receive
> > the message back and then edit/moderate as above, all in a timely
> > fashion, is in my mind, simply out of the question.
> >
> > The Ehpes website is another story. Here the work-flow is easy to fork.
> > What we will need is one person who will be in charge of dealing with
> > all inputs in languages other than English. That person will assign the
> > work to a translator and track the job, and finally receive the
> > translated job and pass it back to me for posting. This person could
> > also be a translator.
> >
> > My sense on this is that there won't be a lot of non-English inputs and
> > it 'may' be worth doing. It is possible however that this whole thing
> > may be a solution looking for a problem.
> >
> > Who will volunteer to take on the co-ordination/translation effort?
> >
> > Best,
> > jerome
> >
> >
> > On Tue, 2011-01-04 at 11:02 -0500, Miriam Taylor wrote:
> >> Dear Jerome,
> >>
> >> Hardy has a point, those who are not fluent in English, may have a problem,
> >> reading on the "ehpes" site, in English, that there are people willing to
> >> translate from other languages. Would it be possible to post on the website,
> >> in Hebrew, German, Romanian and some other languages, that there are
> >> volunteers willing to translate into English, messages in these languages
> >> intended for the Czernowitz List or for the "ehpes" website?
> >>
> >> Mimi
> >>
> >
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> > This moderated discussion group is for information exchange on the subject of
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 Czernowitz and Sadagora Jewish History and Genealogy. The opinions expressed
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Received on 2011-01-13 17:15:34

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