[Cz-L] New on the website: 02 Feb.2011 + <project>

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2011 16:34:37 -0800
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>


Several items have been added to the Website at:
http://czernowitz.ehpes.com --From the Menu on the Home Page

1. 'In Stories, Histories...' Irene Fishler sends background material
and a list of passengers (all survived the wreck) on the Viitorul in
1942. This is Item #42.

2. Also in 'Stories, Histories...' A short biography of Salomon Kassner,
journalist, lawyer, poet and politician by Sidi Kassner -Item #41.

3. Shula Klinger, Merle Kastner and I have cobbled together an 'About
Us' introduction to Ehpes -- look for it in the Menu on the Home Page.

4. Consistent with Mimi's and Hardy's suggestions, I have started to put
together a section for the Website that collects our existing materials
on the Holocaust in Bukovina from 1940 through 1945. All I have so far
is the proposed outline, to wit:

a. A short history of the major holocaust events in Bukovina (Mimi?)
with special attention to the Czernowitz/Sadgora area.

b. Links to, and descriptions of, all our internal
holocaust/occupation/deportation/ghetto related stories, documents,
photos, lists, etc.

c. An Archive of our past posts 2002-2011 relating to the
holocaust/occupations/deportations/ghetto, etc. (this is about half
complete at present).

d. Links to external sites databases and materials other materials
dealing with the holocaust in Bukovina.

e. A reading list (Iosef and others?).

f. Summary - The answer to the question: "Where did all
the Jews go?" (who will do the research and write this -Hardy, others?)

If you or your family were impacted by the events of this time and
place, you should consider writing your story if you haven't already
done so. As well, any material you might have in the way of photos,
testimony, links to other web materials, etc. will be more than

If you're writing, it doesn't have to be a long piece... a few
paragraphs would do if that's all you have to say. We have editors so
not to worry about your English. Or write in another language and we'll
find someone to translate it.

If you wish to help in any way; there's lots to be done! Three of us are
currently engaged with this project.

As a start, I'm trying to think of descriptive a name for this
section... I need some suggestions. Then there's the niggling question
of where to continue this discussion: on-list; on the Blog; off-list as
a sub-group?

In closing, thinking about the increasing number of requests for family
information given a surname, Joyce Field reminds us that the JewishGen
Holocaust Database at: http://www.jewishgen.org/databases/Holocaust/
contains more than two million entries, from more than 150 component
datasets of both victims and survivors and is searchable by surname.


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