Re: [Cz-L] New on the website: 02 Feb.2011 + <project>

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2011 10:14:39 -0500
To: HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>, jerome schatten <>, czernowitz-L <>, Merle Kastner <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

In answer to both Hardy and Merle about the organization of the Ehpes

Jerome is certainly doing a a very time consuming job and we all of us
should be grateful to him for his selflessness and dedication.
Anyone who thinks that the website should be organized differently, should
write Jerome, suggest possible changes and improvements.
But since Jerome founded the website and has done all the work on it,
He shuld be allowed to make the final decisions.


On 2/3/11 3:28 AM, "HARDY BREIER" <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET> wrote:

> The Ehpes website organization:
> The Menu rubrique too narrow- needs shifting -cumbersome.
> The groups order - a disaster : more than 30 titles with no
> subdivisions.
> Cookbooks, cemeteries , maps , pictures, popovici, reunion....
> Without specific navigation instructions you dont find a thing.
> No alphabetical order. No logical partition.
> Ehphes has grown and needs some trafic regulations.
> Logical sub-divisions.

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