OK, here is some information about my ancestors’ activities:
- Elias Picker (b. Sadagura), a great-great-grandfather, tried various professions, including carving tombstones, keeping bars, etc;
- Leib Lackner (b. Sereth), a great-grandfather, was a wood dealer; one of his sons had a restaurant in Vienna between WW1 and WW2; another son (Kalman) was “Rechtssprecher” in Czernowitz;
- Joseph David Wagner (b. Zaleszcyki), my maternal grandfather, was an accountant in Zaleszcyki and later in Czernowitz (at the sugar company before WW1, at the Muehle Trichter thereafter); one of his brothers was a teacher in Zaleszcyki;
- Netti Wagner née Lackner (b. Sereth), my maternal grandmother, was a teacher in Czernowitz, like one of her sisters; her youngest son Edi Wagner was an optician in Czernowitz (he is the one who created and managed the folklore ensemble “Die Rote Kapelle”);
- Arye Rosner (b. Wiznitz) a great-grandfather, was involved with horses;
- Haïm Schmiele Rosner (b. Wiznitz) my paternal grandfather was also involved with horses and appears as “Fiakerhaelter” in the Ippens Adressbuch for Wiznitz in the late 1890’s;
- Simon Rosner (b. Wiznitz), my father, was a furrier in Czernowitz, like his brother Isidor;
- Rosa Rosner née Wagner (b. Czernowitz), my mother, worked some time in the accounting department at the Muehle Trichter in Czernowitz.
Charles Rosner
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