[Cz-L] Dates of issue of Popovici authorizations

From: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>
Date: Fri, 18 Feb 2011 10:17:48 -0500
To: "Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu" <Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <mirtaylo_at_indiana.edu>

There recently was a debate among some members of this list as to when
Popovici authorizations were issued. The authorization my father received
which I still have, stated the date as Nov. 27th 1941. Other members of the
list wrote that their families' authorizations were issued earlier.

Today in trying to clear my computer of old Email messages, I came across an
old message, from Vadim Altskan at the Holocaust Museum in Washington DC,
in which he wrote:

> ...Popovici tried to oppose the deportations, and he managed to win - with the
> help of the governor of Bukovina- the approval of Antonescu (who was in
> Tiraspol at the time) to retain in the city some 15, 600 Jews as
> "specialists", along with some 4, 000 others to whom he himself had issued"
> temporary permits"
> This information is based on the archival sources that could be found in the
> following archives and publication:
> USHMM Archives RG - 25-004M, roll# 14 (original document in the State Archives
> of the Chernivtsi Region, fond 2868, opis 1, delo 207 ), also see Carp,
> _Cartea neagra_, ( Black Book) volume 3, p.141

I can get a copy of the "Carta Neagra" from the IU library, but it would be
interesting to see the original document in the State Archives of the
Chernivtsi Region, (fond 2868, opis 1, delo 207).

Do any of you have experience with obtaining copies of documents in the
Chernivtsi Region State Archives? Do you know how easy or difficult it is to
obtain such copies?

I would be grateful for advice.

Shabbat Shalom,


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