Dear Mr.Mechner,
Thanks for your answer...
Alfred Kittner knew your aunt in Bukarest, he was a poet ,journalist and
wrote also for the german Literatur-Magazin. He was an old friend, he knew
me, when I was a little girl, than, in 1940, we were colleagues at the
sovjet Public Library in Czernowitz, he and his wife were deported to
Transnistria, survived and in 1944/45 we worked again together in the
library...Afterwords he lived in Bukarest and went to Germany, lived in
Duesseldorf..We lived after 1945 in Ploiesti, in the petroleum area, where
my husband worked as engeneer.My family and me emigrated in
1982 to the end of the 1980 we got a phonecall from Fredy
Kittner: I am in Haifa and I will pay you a visite", so he came am stayed
the whole day at was after 40 years...He saw the first vol.
of my lexicon"Jewish women in visual arts, in german:
Juedische Frauen in der bildenden Kunst" and told me that in his archive he
has the biography of Else Mechner, "Put her in your next book" he said...He
sent the whole file, a xerox-copy, some pictures black-white, and so I
published her biography...also on the CD, attached to the book, are some
pictures of her work...I believe her bio is only in my lexikon...I never
found in my research her name, and I think, that you must write to Edgar
Hauster about Else, to put her in his on-line Art Gallery with the other
artists from are also list member of "Ehpes Czernowitz...
You wrote that you are interested in her bio???I sent you the e-mail adress
of the your aunt is in the book, the editor gives you 30% off.
or you will not order the book, I can copy the bio from the book for you...,
Best regard from Haifa
Hedwig Brenner
----- Original Message -----
From: "Francis Mechner" <>
To: "Hedwig Brenner" <>
Cc: <>; "Joan Cooper" <>
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 11:25 PM
Subject: Re: Czernowitz Art Gallery - What's New?
> Dear Ms Brenner,
> Else Mechner was my aunt. I would certainly be interested in the "long
> story" how you found her biography, as well as in the biography itself.
> My sister Johanna Cooper and I have some of her paintings, which my father
> found in Paris and had shipped to New York in the 1970s. My father had
> great admiration for Else.
> --Francis Mechner
---Received on 2011-03-22 01:47:01
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