Re: [Cz-L] Gone with wind, but not gone!

Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2011 05:46:32 -0700
To: "Anny Matar" <>, <>

  Every real Czernowitzer Jew carries with him an aura.
   This glow , clearly seen at darkness in only discernible by other
     Outsiders don't see a thing .
       This emanation is strongest in Czernowitz the city, but expands
      all over the Bukovina .
       It is a product of Carpathian air and Prut water.
        At the Bukovina border this aura ceases.

      Outside of Bukovina people dont have it or understand.

      By the way , we did not produce great violinists.
        But we are top.

----- Original Message -----
From: Anny Matar
Sent: Monday, March 21, 2011 12:53 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Gone with wind, but not gone!

Dear all,
For some of us overhauling is too late, we need "recycling".
I don't know who is more entitled to call him / herself Czernowitzer who has

better claim to it but, wherever we are, as Mimi said, we carry "it"
whatever it is with us -our upbringing, education, culture, give it to our
children, and to my greatest delight to, as far as I can see, MY
grandchildren. They do have that "je ne sais pas quoi" which others notice
and when they meet me many say "now we know where it comes from", and often
when I meet someone, I will ask whether the parents come from our part of
the world.
As to the point we were discussing, just as David Glynn, whose mother left
CZ. at a very early age found his interest in our city so my grandson, who,
just as David, has an open mind and many interests, finds MY background much

more interesting than my husband's German one. He might continue what I've
started here.
Hag Sameach

Received on 2011-03-21 05:46:32

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