[Cz-L] New on the website April 11, 2011

From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 21:31:38 -0700
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>

Czernowitzers.... The following is new on the Ehpes website
(http://czernowitz.ehpes.com) as of today:

1. From Harry Jarvis, more pre-war Czernowitz and family photos: Menu ->
>From Members -> Stories, Histories... -> last part of item 32c. or
directly at: http://czernowitz.ehpes.com/stories/jarvis/img176aa.pdf

2. You may remember Edgar's Blog post about a Polish traveler who came
across the vandalized Kyseliv/Borivtsy monument that marked the mass
graves in that area? If not, take a look at:

Did you know that list member Alti Rodal had that monument installed in
2001 to mark the spot of the July 1941 massacres where many of her
family perished at the hands of the townspeople? Read Alti's riveting
story of her visit back in time; her interviews with elderly residents
who recalled the destruction of the town's Jews and some interesting
Czernowitz connections with respect to the monument. These Kyseliv pages
constitute a memorial not so easily desecrated by vandalism.

>From the Menu -> Cemeteries, Monuments & Towns -> Kyseliv and click on
'Story'. Or directly:

3. The Czernowitz Occupational Database has been updated thanks to Simon
Kreindler. We are now at version 4.0. From the Menu -> Ehpes Databases
-> Czernowitz Occupations Database. Or directly at:

4. The list messages I accidentally deleted have been recovered and the
Archives updated accordingly.


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