By courtesy of Rachel Leigh, I would like to share with you her mail concern=
ing her father's "Druker's List". Thank you once again, Rachel, and please h=
ave a look at our website
and to the archives, in order to find out, if it's the right place for you t=
oo, as I'm stipulating.
Best wishes!
Edgar Hauster
from Edgar's iPad
Anfang der weitergeleiteten E=E2=80=91Mail:
> Von: danrac <>
> Datum: 6. Mai 2011 16:47:16 GMT+03:00
> An: 'Edgar Hauster' <>
> Betreff: RE: Rachel Leigh - Mogilev Podolsk: Druker's List - My Lost Tribe=
> Dear Mr. Hauster,
> =20
> Thank you for your reply.
> The original documents that my father left are with me in Israel.
> There were some people who received copies from me.
> I had no idea that by now, many people found their relatives thanks to my f=
ather's documents.
> These people are from Israel, the United States etc
> I thought that you took the pictures because you saw the documents.
> I saw a message sent to you from Melita (from the U.S.A.) and I know that s=
he found the graves of her relatives after she found their names on my fathe=
r's documents.
> =20
> I also looked at your website and saw your photographs from other places.
> So, why did you take the pictures at the cemetery?
> I am just curious.
> =20
> In which country do you live?
> =20
> Regards,
> Rachel Leigh
> .
> From: Edgar Hauster []=20
> Sent: Friday, May 06, 2011 4:23 PM
> To: czernowitz-L
> Cc: Geissb?hler Simon EDA GSO;;;;; Marla Rauch=
er Osborn
> Subject: Mogilev Podolsk: Druker's List - My Lost Tribe
> =20
> Czernowitzers, dear friends...
> This is the comment, I received from Rachel Leigh today:
> "Dear Mr. Hauster, I was amazed to see the photographs you took at the cem=
etery following the Drucker List. He was my father."
> I'm grateful for this comment and feel flattered by it, but frankly speaki=
ng, I didn't know about Druker's List before and learned the thrilling story=
from the International Jewish Cemetery Project at
> =20
> =20
> Now, as I'm aware of the outstanding significance of this document, I woul=
d like to point out, that at, sections: Cz-L Ar=
chives 2007, Cemeteries, Monuments & Towns, you'll find additional pictures a=
nd data on this subject.
> Warmest wishes to all of you from beautiful Stanislau (Ivano-Frankivsk) in=
> Edgar Hauster
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