Re: [Cz-L] UK Czernowitzers - thanks!!

From: Miriam Taylor <>
Date: Fri, 06 May 2011 12:09:09 -0400
To: Hedwig Brenner <>
Reply-to: Miriam Taylor <>

I will try to find Stephan Ruff through a friend who was also on the
Kinder transport
and is the great-grandson of Ober Rabiner Lazar Igel. The Czernowitz
connections never end.

On May 3, 2011, at 8:26 AM, Hedwig Brenner wrote:

> Hi Theo,
> Thanks for your answer,
> You are asking about Stephan Ruff,
> His mother Rusia Ruff, nee Salzmann, was the best friend of my
> mother..they went together to aschool, even when she married the
> pharmacien Ruff and leaved to Vienna, they were in contact...After
> the Nazi-occupation , she wrote to my mother, that their 12-years-
> old son Stephan was sent with a Kindertransport to England and they
> will leave for Schanghai...After the war, my mother got a letter
> from her friend Rusia Ruff from Vienna, her husband died in China,
> probably, because I didn't read the letter, only my mother very
> happy, wrote me(she lived in Kimpolung and I in Ploiesti) that
> Rusia is alive in Vienna.and she was visiting her son...
> I got the same e-mail adress of Stephan, and he answered a year
> ago.His cousin from T.A. gave me his adress, so I will try to
> contact Lisl, to ask her about Stephan,
> also I will contact the daughter of Susi Mehlmann, may be she knows
> more about your grand-mother Perle..
> Bests regards Hedwig

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