Re: [Cz-L] Photo collections and the Bad Eye.

From: Lucca <>
Date: Sat, 21 May 2011 15:11:54 +0300
To: Berti Glaubach <>, cornel fleming <>
Reply-to: Lucca <>

The thing with the salt was - I think - not purely a jewish procedute, seems
to me it was known all over.

But wow, the sewing on a button, or any other needle work done on a garment
which is worn at the time...oh the many times I had to chew that thread!
This is a memory which was buried very deep in my mind, and I simply love
exhuming those things!
Thank you!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Berti Glaubach" <>
To: "cornel fleming" <>
Cc: "Sylvia de Swaan" <>; "HARDY BREIER"
Sent: Saturday, May 21, 2011 11:00 AM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Photo collections and the Bad Eye.

The salt ceremony was always applied when some salt spilled from a
salt cellar (Salzfass). This was considered to be a sign that some
quarrel is going to break out.

"Wenn’s Salzfass fällt, dann gibt es sicher Zank.“

I remembered a short German poem, a preferred one of my mother,
although not written by Schiller.
Found it on the net. If you read German go to Google and write Das
Salzfass you will get a concise picture about superstition and its
causality, especially on marriage, women and mothers in law.

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