RE: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 28, 2011

From: Anna Kofner <>
Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 12:14:25 -0400
To: andy halmay <>,
Reply-to: Anna Kofner <>

Morning Andy
I agree with you about mamaliga (had one this week), but will disagree with your last statement
Hitlers happen. The only difference is that they can take over a country only when the country is ripe for taking and where people will repeat the same mistakes that German people made. Even the bystanders weren't innocent. Getting read of the immigrants and getting not only the Sudeten and Silesia back and maybe some more of Europe looked Oh, so good. The sad thing, you are right. It can happen again.
On a happier note, enjoy your mamaliga, and PLEASE, get brinza. Without brinza it's not the same

> Date: Sun, 29 May 2011 06:47:08 -0700
> From:
> Subject: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: May 28, 2011
> To:
> Mark, you made me hungry with your comments on Mamaliga. =A0I haven't even =
> finished reading today's collection of messages but I'm going to make some =
> mamaliga for breakfast. =A0I have schmetten in the fridge but no brinza and=
> I used to love brinza with mamaliga. =A0I recall a peasant sitting on a cu=
> rb of the sidewalk in Cz. =A0He reached into his traista and pulled out a h=
> unk of cold mamaliga and a big onion and then took alternate bites out of e=
> ach. =A0I recall thinking how nice it would be to be a Romanian peasant to =
> be allowed to sit on the sidewalk and eat with such gusto.
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