Once there was a "Karelo-Finnish" republic within the USSR.
The census revealed that while there were lots of Karelians only 2 Finns were
living in the republic: Finkelstein and Fin-Inspector (finance inspector).
A closer look clarified that Finkelstein was the Fin-Inspector.
Thereafter they renamed the republic into only "Karelian"
----- Ursprüngliche Mail ----
> Von: Hedwig Brenner <hedbren_at_zahav.net.il>
> An: E. & G. Weissmann <EGWeissmann_at_gmx.net>; Czernowitz-L_at_cornell.edu
> Gesendet: Montag, den 6. Juni 2011, 8:33:38 Uhr
> Betreff: Re: [Cz-L] Visits
> Hi, dear friends,
> Indeed, thank to the big efforts of Bruce and Jerome, our Ehpes -Czernowitz is
>growing, found family-members, who never coeld find each other, put togather
>old schoolmates and did links between unnown people...It is amazing how many
>descendants of Czernowitzer are in the old Europe and oversea..
> My technical computer-adviser, born in Karelia-Finland told me yesterday, that
>his grandmother was born in Suczawa, came to Czernowitz, went 1941 to
>Kazakstan and came in 1990 with daughters and grandchildren to Israel..she is
>still speaking and reading german and yiddish, also russian...and she is in my
> Bests regards
> Hedwig
> -----
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