[Cz-L] Update on Czernowitz cemetery indexing project

From: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2011 13:27:35 -0400
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>

Dear Friends,

This is a brief update on the status of our project to index all burials
in the Czernowitz Jewish Cemetery. New members of the list can read about
the background of this project on our web site:


All burial data, along with tombstone images, are being posted to the
JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR):


You can search the database for free, but you must register as a member
with JewishGen, if you're not already registered. To access only the data
from Czernowitz (and surrounding areas), use the "Geographical Region"
tool to select "Romania/Bucovina" or "Austrian Empire/Bukovina". Searches
for a particular name can be done using "Sounds like", "Exact Spelling",
"Starts with" or "Phonetically like" options - three of which are
particularly useful since spellings often varied and since the data in the
database could have easily been read incorrectly from old style
handwritten copies.

By early August, there will be a total of 16,105 names in the Czernowitz
Jewish Cemetery portion of the JOWBR database. If you'd like to know if
an Area (or Parcel) of interest has been uploaded (or is about to be
uploaded), please let me know.

The most recent few thousand entries are due to the continuing efforts of
Eddy Mitelsbach, Kurt Nachman, Leah Haber-Gedalia and Robert Zavos.

We're still working away and have more than 10,000 entries to go!
Volunteers with computer savvy, good eyesight, and the ability to work
with Excel files, plus skilled with Hebrew and/or German (or Russian)
are still needed.

Thank you!

Bruce Reisch
Project Coordinator

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