Re: [Cz-L] They are at it again - Ukraine's nationalists protest Jewish pilgrimage

Date: Thu, 06 Oct 2011 07:07:24 +0200
To: cornel fleming <>, 'Gary Rogovin' <>, 'Anny Matar' <>

Bladder control..
 We all will condemn relieving oneself in public.
  But abstaining ,when nature calls , may affect
  your health in many ways as any medicine man will tell you.
   The solution therefore is public toilets for the
    tourist under pressure , religious or not.
     The Hassidim's behaviour may be despicable but consider the

----- Original Message -----
From: "cornel fleming" <>
To: "'Gary Rogovin'" <>; "'Anny Matar'" <>
Cc: "'Czernowitz Genealogy and History'" <>
Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2011 8:31 PM
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] They are at it again - Ukraine's nationalists protest
Jewish pilgrimage

> are being very unfair. A small group of obnoxious people are
> not
> representative of the whole nation. And some years ago I got to Sadagura
> shortly after a large group of ultra-orthodox who had come to visit the
> "wunder-rebbe"..and they used the surrounding area to relieve
> themselves.Not
> the way to win friends!!! And in Israel socalled religious Jews are
> burning
> Mosques, and their Rabbi published a book that says it is perfectly
> acceptable to kill non-Jews including babies!!! I repeat,it is wrong to
> judge a whole community by the unacceptable and disgusting behaviour of
> the
> lunatic fringe. Cornel
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