RE: [Cz-L] Liberation of Czernowitz

From: cornel fleming <>
Date: Thu, 13 Oct 2011 15:19:11 +0100
To: 'Miriam Taylor' <>, 'Edgar Hauster' <>
Reply-to: cornel fleming <>

Well...if you look at my family photos you will see a balcony with my
grandmother and our Doberman. Iwas lying there flat on my stomach watching a
couple of German soldiers trying to get a small car ..opentopped so ? a function. They got it going and raced off up the street, and about a
minute later a Russian tank came round the corner. And at that point my very
upset mother grabbed me by the scruff of the neck.."Komm 'rein,aber
sofort"...!!!! So..I was there too!!! Cornel

-----Original Message-----
[] On Behalf Of Miriam Taylor
Sent: 13 October 2011 00:01
To: Edgar Hauster
Cc: Gaby Rinzler; Hedwig Brenner; Joanna Liss;
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Liberation of Czernowitz

Gaby, you were there? I thought you are too young!
I was there too.
The day the Russians entered Czernowitz, was March 28th.
It was a beautiful sunny day, after what I remember as a long
grey early spring. The soldiers threw candy to the children,
as the trucks drove up the Siebenburger Strasse.
The two historical events which pleased me most during
my early childhood, were the liberation of Czernowitz and
the united Nations decision on the partition of Palestine in Nov. 1947.

May our grandchildren and their children be spared,
what we experienced in our childhood.

Hag sameach,


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