Re: [Cz-L] Rescue Operation of Czernowitz Jews - A Joint Venture

From: Berti Glaubach <>
Date: Sun, 25 Dec 2011 12:24:13 +0200
To: Miriam Taylor <>
Reply-to: Berti Glaubach <>

It is not true that the Schellhorn part was not discussed by the local
Jewish community at the time, just as the role of Fildermann and the Queen
and Ion Antonescu. All were treated by the IPA (Jewish Plotkes Agentur) or
the IWA (Jieden willen Azoi) - but of course nobody had all the information
at hand
- and even the active participants might not have known about other factors
driving for similar or other reasons in the same direction.

Re-reading now The Popovici reminiscences: They are not contradictory to
the Schellhorn role. Indeed his mentioning him at all at the meeting and
Calotescu including him into the list makers makes sense only if the war
effort role was a strong factor in Antonescu's decision. And then writes
Popovici we eliminated him from the list making, and that makes sense -
together with Schellhorns excuse not to want to interfere with internal
Romanian affairs of list making (Popovici about Schellhorn to Calotescu)
only if he Schellhorn himself saw his role as finished, he had contributed
his due and departed. Surely the "elimination" of the German Consul at that
times was not done by two Romanian officials without his own specific wish
to be excepted, and that for obvious reasons.

So we probably will never know why exactly we were permitted to stay. but
again: Vivat Traian.

AS to the numbers of authorizations on the last page of his statement
Popovici statistics 19689 total authorizations are mentioned of these 16569
signed by Calotescu and only 3120 by himself with the stamp of the
municipality.Those last, were later in summer 1942 looked up for


On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 4:47 PM, Miriam Taylor <> wrote:

> In answer to Jerome:
> The Google translation is quite bad, so I will translate what I wrote
> in German into English:
> ----------------------------
> Thank you Edgar for the article, but I am completely unconvinced. How is it
> that
> none of us Czernowitzers ever heard of this great friend of the Jews?
> He was a member of the NSDAP, he did not help any Jews in his own country.
> And if he had that much influence on Antonescu, why were the Popovici
> permits
> declared not valid and had to be exchanged for Calotescu permits? And not
> everyone who had a Popovici permit, received a Calotescu one.
> Popovici mentions Schellhorn in his memoirs, which he wrote much earlier
> than
> Schellhorn wrote his and he described their meeting with Calotescu quite
> differently.
> In Hebrew they say: "Aschrey ha-maamin" (Lucky the believer).
> Unfortunately,
> I am not gullible and the motives behind this article, to me seem suspect.
> --------------------------
> To this I want to add, that I will look for the memoirs of Popovici and
> translate exactly what he wrote about that meeting with Calotescu at which
> Schellhorn was present. As far as I remember, Popovici was initially
> allowed
> to hand out 1500 permits then 14900, but he handed out over 19000.
> As to Dr. Cremer's article:
> Since when is the evidence of one person telling about his own good deeds,
> more valid than the evidence of another person claiming that the good deeds
> were done by himself?
> Furthermore, Popovici was a "known quantity" to the Jews of Czernowitz and
> no one ever said a bad word about him, while Schellhorn is not mentioned
> by anyone.
> Until a few years ago, all I knew about Popovici, was what I heard about
> him
> as a child in wartime Czernowitz, before he wrote his memoirs.
> Which to me proves that the good opinion Jewish people in Czernowitz had of
> him, was based on their own knowledge and not on his memoirs.
> Mimi

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