From: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>
Date: Tue, 27 Dec 2011 09:48:28 -0800
To: czernowitz-L <czernowitz-l_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-to: jerome schatten <romers_at_shaw.ca>


More proof that we have on our list accomplished people in every
discipline -- a short review of Ruth Glasberg Gold's recently published

Gold, Ruth Glasberg.
Bloomington, IN: iUniverse, 2011, 246pp,
ISBN978-1-4502-5238-6(paperback), $ 17.95.
KEY WORD A: Cooking-International
KEY WORD B: Cooking-Multiethnic
This volume is a welcome addition to multiethnic cuisine collections in
public and special libraries. It offers over 240 unpretensious,
multicultural recipes (Austrian, Bulgarian, Chinese, Hungarian, Israeli,
Jewish, Polish, Romanian, Russian, Ucrainian), based on what the author
has learned from her ancestors(mother,other relatives),,friends
(mentioned in the book),and especially on her own extensive culinary
experience and inspirations as cook and host during her life in Europe,
Asia, South America and United States. Readers will be pleased to find,
just as examples, recipes for Austrian salmon mousse or Romanian bean
paste as appetizers, Kaiser rolls and Bukovina potato bread, Israeli
eggplant and Bulgarian beet salads, Colombian Ajiaco and Hungarian
cabbage soups, Russian kotlets and Jewish/Polish style jellied carp,plus
her mother's Bukovinian Schmettentorte sour cream cake. In her
introduction, the author mentions with pride : "...for the past fifty
years, all the recipes in this book were prepared by me and served to my
family and large dinner parties, encouraging readers to engage "in this
creative hobby" as a means of giving pleasure to others.The text of
recipes is accompanied by a useful list of "tips" and general index. The
author, a Romanian Holocaust survivor, has previously published RUTH'S
JOURNEY: A SURVIVOR'S MEMOIR (1996), followed by Spanish, Romanian,
German,and Hebrew editions.  Her speech about Holocaust experiences,
delivered at the United Nations (January 2009) was published in
MULTICULTURAL REVIEW (Summer 2009).  Vladimir F. Wertsman, New York
Public Library
Congratulations Ruth!!
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