Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Pictures

From: Edgar Hauster <>
Date: Tue, 13 Mar 2012 07:45:20 +0100
To: Ariane Alpern <>
Reply-to: Edgar Hauster <>

Dear Ariane,

I'm sorry, I don't know about the term "Jewish Market" for the "Ringplatz", but perhaps somebody else knows about. Concerning your namesakes in Czernowitz, please don't worry. Ruchel Alpern fell victim to a really cruel accident and being a young communist, like Manfred Alpern, in the 1930s in ultranationalistic, prefascistic Romania, was not defamatory, quite the contrary!

Thank you so much for your contribution and best wishes to Munich!

Edgar Hauster
from Edgar's iPad

Am 12.03.2012 um 22:10 schrieb "Ariane Alpern" <>:

> Thank you very much for answering so soon. Dear Edgar, I had a look at "Der
> Tag", searching for Alpern there. The two mentions of the name resulted in
> people I have never heard of before, am not related with [and am ashamed to
> share the same name!]. I also tried to look at as many pictures of
> Czernowitz as I could, still ... it doesn't feel more familiar. I don't know
> why. By the , why is the "Ringplatz" called "Jewish market"? Were there
> separate marketplaces for Rumanians, Germans, Ruteniens, Jews, etc.?
> Best regards from Munich
> Ariane
> Ariane Alpern
> Saebener Str. 19
> D-81547 Muenchen
> Tel. +49 89 692 61 78
> -----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
> Von:
> [] Im Auftrag von Edgar
> Hauster
> Gesendet: Montag, 12. März 2012 08:04
> An: Ariane Alpern
> Cc: 'Hedwig Brenner'; 'HARDY BREIER';
> Betreff: Re: [Cz-L] Czernowitz Pictures
> Ariane…
> Thank you so much for your mail. In return you are going to get access to
> thousands of Bukovina/Czernowitz pictures by clicking the following links:
> Ehpes Cemeteries, Monuments & Towns:
> Ehpes Postcards:
> Ehpes Maps:
> Photo Community "Gruß aus Czernowitz":
> Photo Community "Czernowitz, etc.":
> Edward Turkiewitsch's Photo Albums:
> In addition please check the archives of "Der Tag" at
> by introducing "Alpern" into the
> search engine.
> Enjoy the results of your research and best wishes from Mülheim an der Ruhr!
> Am 12.03.2012 um 01:01 schrieb Ariane Alpern:
>> Hi everybody, I wander if you can send me a link for pictures of
> Czernowitz.
>> I just had a look at the Picasa-Vatra-Dornei series of pictures and
>> would like to know more about Cz, especially as I have never been
>> there, but my parents spent their youth there, before they and the
>> rest of the family on both sides left for Romania. By the way, my
>> father was Moritz [Moses] Alpern and my mother was Lydia Alpern, ne
>> Barir. Maybe one or the other of you remember them and can tell me
>> stories about them. By the way, Gaby Rinzler, your long standing member,
> is my cousin!
>> Thanks for your help
>> Ariane
>> Ariane Alpern
>> Saebener Str. 19
>> D-81547 Muenchen
>> Tel. +49 89 692 61 78
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