Hi Ludwig,
When my friends told me, that I missed my occupation, I laughted....may =
be in the next life I will be a shadchen...
So, I spoke by phone today with the daughter in law of late Norbert =
Rudel in Tel-Aviv, Raul Rudel, Norberts son, sent me his adress and I =
sent him our e-mails, he will be in tuch with you or viceversa, I =
finished my job.
Thanks to our big postmasters, Jerome, Bruce, Edgar, Hardy, Merle and =
may others, our community is worldwide
Good luck=20
----- Original Message -----=20
From: Ludwig Rudel=20
To: Hedwig Brenner=20
Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2012 3:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Re: czernowitz-l digest: March 08, 2012
Thank you, Hedwig:
Julius Rudel, the conductor, is my brother. He is now 91 years old. =
We see each other often.
Do you have any family bio information about Josef Norbert Rudel and =
perhaps also his children? One of the CZ respondents indicated he only =
recently retired?
Lu Rudel
2012/3/12 Hedwig Brenner <hedbren_at_zahav.net.il>
Hi Ludwig,
I met in 2005 or 2006 in Vienna an orchester-conductor Rudel, =
originary from Vienna, who was invited from the Orpheus-Trust for a =
concert, he came from USA.
The chief redactor of the Stimme, the german news-paper for Bukowina =
and head of the german-writers-assiciation in Israel was Josef Norbert =
Rudel, he died some years ago, he told me once that this conductor is =
his cousin .Best regards
Hedwig Brenner
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