Jessica, Martha, Jerome...
Do the obituaries for Tobias Falikmann, Betti Fallikmann (Jessica, Jerome) and Dr. Markus Hulles (Martha) ring a bell?
Warmest wishes!
Edgar Hauster
Lent - The Netherlands
> From:
> To:
> Subject: [Cz-L] Dead & Gone - Update October 1934
> Date: Sat, 3 Nov 2012 11:57:34 +0100
> Czernowitzers...
> The Czernowitzer daily newspaper "Der Tag - The Day" released over the years 1932 - 1935 articles on deaths, funerals, headstone erections, memorial ceremonies, suicides, murders, as well as obituaries and acknowledgements, wich we extracted and published for you at
> and for October 1934 at the bottom of
> covering - in alphabetical order - the following cases of death:
> Michail Abrad
> Vladimir Cozarisciuc
> Tobias Falikmann
> Betti Fallikmann
> Roza Farkas
> Adolf Fleischer
> Frieda Heller
> Dr. Markus Hulles
> Liviu Iesan
> Amalie Kaßner (Korber)
> Erika Lichtendorf
> Melech Liquornik
> Jakob Manz
> Regina Mayerhoffer
> Stefan Nedelcu
> Regina Nestel
> Vasile Pleschka
> Marjem Lea Rosenblatt
> Eisig Rosenzweig
> Benno Schäfer
> Erica Schey-Voevidca
> Stefan Selecac
> Bertha Süßkind (Hollinger)
> Jakob Wachtmann
> Milo Wiegler
> Dr. Isak Wolf
> Vasile Zambrea (Vladimir Procopovici)
> Transcriptions of the above mentioned obituaries are available - by using the search engine - at the archives of "Der Tag":
> It wouldn't be reverent to mention "Enjoy the section Dead & Gone!", but however enjoy the potential results of your reasearch!
> Edgar Hauster
> Lent - The Netherlands
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