Re: [Cz-L] The Temple - Past-Present-Future

From: David Glynn <>
Date: Tue, 6 Nov 2012 00:02:32 +0000
Reply-To: David Glynn <>
To: jerome schatten <>, HARDY BREIER <HARDY3_at_BEZEQINT.NET>

Hardy wrote: "Understanding this you need not only language but also
involvement. Persons are mentioned we dont know. The Ehpes is mentioned
for having the Temple on front page. It is a positive article from a jewish
point of view."

I thought that I might be able to find some background to this by searching
on some of the names mentioned, in the "Buk News" site. So I searched on
"Myhaylishyn" (in Cyrillic characters). And I found the following:

The Google Translate translation of this is given below (for what it's



Zabrodska wants to "play" in kinomonopoliyu in Temple, where sang Joseph
Schmidt? Hall did not team up against him? (Document)
02/11/2012, 16:41

Against the closure of public utility "Cinema" Chernivtsi "hold a mass
meeting today, November 2 faculty members. As correspondent, under
the walls of theater people gathered with placards "Zabrodska! Hands off the
theater! ".

Centre staff protested the order to utility given into the hands of

- With me repeatedly communicated citizens and city officials. I refused to
"lie" during closing theater, because the contract is not extended to me -
said Ruslan Prokopyev, former director of the cinema "Chernivtsi". - Another
20 October digital equipment in the cinema already had a stand. Our school
at their own expense - million each - bought this equipment. Cinema is
unprofitable. We fully pay all taxes and fees. According to a city council
of 19 October, they postponed the delivery of equipment. That is, a machine
that was traveling with the equipment turned halfway. Therefore, the
interference in the work of public enterprises - illegal. When I was a
member of the City Council of the previous convocation, we saw that even
then wanted to capture cinema. And by the way, by the same people. This
movie should remain in the community. This - the only theater that supports
Ukrainian films.

- This is not the first attempt to capture cinema "Chernivtsi" - says former
Mayor Mykola Fedoruk. - Around three years ago was the first such attempt.
But we failed to do so Mr. This gentleman is simply a very hurry, because
his time expires.

Workers marched to the cinema hall, where they demanded to them in council
secretary Vitaly Myhaylishyn.

First, people approached the city council deputy Anatoly Chesanov who urged
employees that cinema previously unprofitable.

Later the protesters approached Deputy Mayor Alexander Pascaru. After he
went to the theater staff and himself Vitaly Myhaylishyn.

"The company operates. I do not see any problems with this "- repeated
several times council secretary.

After kilkahvylynnoyi conversation Myhaylishyn turned around and went to the
City Council. Workers theater continued rally.

Meanwhile theater owner named Olga Kobylianska Basil Zabrodska claims that
former theater director "Chernivtsi" Ruslan Prokopyev asked him 10 thousand
dollars for assistance is employed so that an investor utility. This
Zabrodska said in an interview

- 28 August this year Ruslan Prokopyev sent me an e-mail: "Hello. The main
text of dropped, will make only the payment terms of the size of the
advance. Not yet agreed completely. Well, basically it so. " And then - the
agreement between cinema "Chernivtsi" and company "B End Age", which has put
equipment facility. Once I showed this deal deputy director of theater. He
asked: "What is your director sends me his direct competitors, this
agreement?". I will answer for that. He asked me for 10 thousand dollars for
the promotion of what he supposedly do so, I'll rent this movie. I asked two
thousand dollars pay for themselves after this movie I was supposed to win
the competition. In addition, he wanted to leave for work two girls. I
refused him this. Then he started all these movements, like Zabrodska wants
to take cinema. Actually Zabrodska wants nothing to take away. If the City
Council decides to hold a contest, I will take part in it. If I win, it will
adhere to all conditions that put City Council - said V. Zabrodska.

Ex-director of Cinema "Chernivtsi" Ruslan Prokopyev denied the words of
Basil Zabrodska that Prokopyev allegedly asked the owner of the theater
named Olga Kobylianska money.

"It's all a lie! All words Zabrodska untrue, "- said in comments
correspondent Ruslan Prokopyev.

Yes, I sent Vasily treaty text Cinema by "Bi End Age" by email, because he
wanted to read the terms of this agreement. Well, wanted to see - I dropped
him. But I sent him all contract terms and calculations. This Vasily
emotionally responded: "Why are you following me threw?" - Says Prokopyev.

- Actually Basil Zabrodska simply manipulates. He wants to set up and staff
Movies, and power against me, - said the ex-director of Cinema "Chernivtsi".

Recall election to the City Council in early October created a commission to
verify the financial activities and prospects of Cinema "Chernivtsi".

After creating this commission Basil Zabrodska said that he is ready to be a
potential investor if the members decide on a competitive basis to give
place to rent.

In October Ruslana Prokopieva fired from his post as director theater
"Chernivtsi" based on the completion of the contract.


Cinema "Chernivtsi", recall, is a former synagogue. Jewish Community of
Bukovina as its chairman Isaac assured Byeznos not forget its synagogue in
the Jewish cemetery on Green Street in Chernivtsi and synagogue in
Vizhnitsa. In the Temple - the former house of God, which is now a movie
theater "Chernivtsi", also is in the field of view.

-------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------


Damn, and the whole town knows that by eliminating the Zabrodska Fedoruk
during elections promised to give "Chernivtsi". And do monopolist in the
film market. They do not care that the "Chernivtsi" movie affordable prices.
Bitches, Nyedorazumyeniya - Pascaru. Then the sly he pereprofiliruet one of
their theaters in a restaurant or another Sorbonne. And in a former
synagogue will drug trade. And how will lease with purchase, it will vertaty
city as Chinush from Bukovina returns. Still not pozaplachuvaly by nahapanu
ground. A Cornflower still chornorota abomination. See how the "etsya
asshole already dragged that he wanted money. A kiss went something
probulkav and fled. Should perform patsanski agreement. But did kiss can
keep the word. And they still like to get city? Kukish them.

Chornorotyy goat

November 2, 2012 17:29

Tkach Vasyl - is the man behind Ruslan Prokopyev. What pushed his candidacy
to contest sponsored equipment and is planning to lay their paws cinema


November 2, 2012 18:40

So what wrong with weaver? At least will compete with Zabrodska. Is it
better that the city was a monopolist? Compare ticket prices at Zabrodska in
"Chernivtsi" and nothing more to say. Moreover Prokopyev not say that he
wanted to withdraw Cinema of communal property. A Zabrodska wants. And in
general, and Jews ask? Maybe there they create Film Center?


November 2, 2012 20:14

Well what else Zabrodska invent? God forbid him deal with this unruly
cattle. And no one has it not brought to light. In his life as th was
wondering what everyone is afraid to recall the Turkish in "prison, the
murder of a person on how he pulled out for crazy money pozbyraly friends
and colleagues, whom he now mixes with the anthem? These appreciation better
whatever remained seated. Hush would in there.


November 2, 2012 20:26

That manifested all around opaque game promises Zabrodska in his "loyalty"
to one of the candidates for parliament. Here's what Mr. Zabrodska promised
for his active "civil" position on the channel TBA - cinema "Chernivtsi" or
closure. It's no secret that this gentleman wants to monopolize the market
for 3-D kinotkatriv area, or just leave your theater on the street.
Kobylanska. Thoughts??

Volodya, Chernivtsi

November 2, 2012 20:29

neuzhely Mykhaylyshyn thinks that this is prybavyt emu popularity? Yes, this
is a scandal to the whole ass. Rating of slezky ostanutsya. Vital,
odumaysya, òåáÿ Zabrodыsh razvel. Two pressuhy potryndel and took the
jackpot with prostachkov - myllyonchyka two ubytыh enotov. One pressuha for
a million! Ah, Pacany. You CEI kynoteatryk will ykatsya twenty years, but
the election of forget you can.

k Micah really sochuvstvuyuschyy

November 2, 2012 21:10

Your scam zhyrnaya svynya not prokatyt. You're not poluchysh movie theater.
And puppy svoeho bezmozhloho protolknul vain.

I died Own pыl, zhyrnaya svynya.Tvoya GREED òåáÿ to no good dovedet.
PODAVYSHSYA very soon.

k 321 (Tkach)

November 3, 2012 00:33

oh zloy zabrodskyy otozvalsya. Soul-people.


November 3, 2012 9:27

Gnat do this, the scammer director and Zabrodskoho further from a movie
theater. Put storonneho and competent, someone will not be to participate in


November 3, 2012 14:31

That Kaspruk hundred times told a press conference the following story:

A striking example of how to really protect the interests of the community,
Mr. Myhaylishyn situation around CMU "City Clinical maternity hospital № 1"
on the street. Bukovinska. It does not protect them. The decision of the
city council building, which has always been funded from the city budget,
passed in the property field. Now the office of the regional hospital. And
most surprisingly, then that region gave the house back to the city. The
government promised that at its base by the end of 2012 will create a modern
perinatal center. Even the amount of calling you to highlight this - 70
million a year, however, already completed, and fulfill the promise no one
is going. Meanwhile, the community of direct assistance by Acting Mayor, who
always calls himself a lobbyist's interests, lost control over the property
worth several million. Why, for example, lobbyists were not insist on this
basis that the hospital was not created regional and urban perinatal center?
Because state program establishes not only regional, but also as
perytanalnyh urban centers. If you're a lobbyist, you have such powerful
friends, why do not you save the space of the city? A region may take a bank
loan against their property and build a new building for the center. Law of
Ukraine "On Local Government" includes concepts such as community resources,
community property. So how can it here so easily take and give? For
mortgage - a priceless resource. And suddenly a few years the government
will build in Chernivtsi ultramodern hospital, then the old, now given area
could be transformed into any other institution. Instead Myhaylishyn just
picked up and delivered it. In fact presented property that does not belong
to him personally, but to all citizens of Chernivtsi. So this is how he is
going to take care of the interests of the city? "Do not like the situation
with the" Chernivtsi "?

This is not the only case when the leaders of the assets given free of all
communities in other hands

November 3, 2012 19:38

----- Original Message -----
From: "jerome schatten" <>
Cc: "David Glynn" <>; "Czernowitz list"
<>; "Edgar Hauster" <>
Sent: Monday, November 05, 2012 4:33 PM
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] The Temple - Past-Present-Future

> Czernowitzers...
> I have cobbled together the original article from BukNews; the Google
> translation (same as David's) and the 'Comments' on the article which
> translate a bit better than the article itself. The comments are at the
> end.
> The Article/Translations/Comments are at:
> for whatever it's worth.
> Best,
> jerome

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