My mother was a Brender from Sadagura.
Fred Weisinger
On Sat, Nov 21, 2015 at 3:39 AM, Edgar Hauster <> wrote=
> Hi Berti,
> Yes, I think your guess concerning the "author" of the form is at least a=
s good as mine, since my grandfather Elias and his sister Sara were 12 and =
13 respectively in 1890 and the handwriting doesn't look childish at all.
> A possible Glaubach/Hauster meeting generations ago is more than a nice s=
cenario, it is most likely. All of them, my great-grandfather Isak Hauster =
and his wife Chane Jente Silber as well as her parents Jankel and Gitel Sil=
ber and in addition seven more Hauster, Silber and Rudel family members wer=
e registered at the turn of the 19th/20th century at Kuczurmarerstrasse, ho=
use nos. 22, 30 and 42; you family at Schiessstädt-Gasse and Popper-Ga=
sse was just around the corner!
> Nevertheless, dear Berti, a fin de (19th) siècle meeting doesn't rep=
lace a contemporary meeting at all, so I don't abandon this idea. Next year=
in Czernowitz, or somewhere else between Haifa and Düsseldorf...?!
> Warmest wishes to you!
> Edgar Hauster
> ________________________________
>> Date: Fri, 20 Nov 2015 10:50:29 +0200
>> Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Jewish Taxpayers in Bukovina at the End of 18th Cent=
>> From:
>> To:
>> CC:;;;
>> Hi Edgar,
>> Of course Elias as the only one mentioned on the "Formular" of being
>> able to write and read is the most probable candidate to be the one to
>> fill it out.....Still looking at the writing I think the job was done
>> by some clerk, probably going around from house to house (although
>> according to instructions this should not have been so) or copying it
>> from the one made by the owner of the house.
>> How old was Elias in 1980? Should he at his age have such an
>> "ausgeschriebene und auch kaligraphische Schrift?
>> Your guess as good as mine.
>> Getting more personal about a possible Hauster/Glaubach meeting. Since
>> it did not occur personally in our generation I
>> am satisfied with the idea that my grandfather Berl Glaubach who lived
>> with his family on Schiestaedtgasse 8, at some 20
>> houses distance around the corner from Kutschamarastrasse 30, might
>> nave known Isak or Elias from the Schiel that must have been somewhere
>> near by. He also had a Heuscheune on Poppergasse 12 in the vicinity.
>> Berl was born in Kutschamare 1960 , moved to Czernowitz probably in his
>> 20th and died in Prag in 1917 in refuge during WWI. But his wife and
>> the older sisters of my father stayed on the same address till 1936, so
>> if your family was still around in that Quarter after 1890 somehow they
>> should have met one of yours. Also my father (later an absolute
>> atheist) went to a cheder during the first years of 1900.
>> Also unconnected to all this: somebody I cannot trace mentioned the
>> name of Brender, that was the family name of my grandmother Sara,
>> Berl's wife.
>> Speculations of an old man.
>> All the best yo you and yours,
>> Berti.
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