Hi Howard...no Hassidic input in Czernowitz at all, only the followers of t=
he Friedman Dynasty rebuilding his palace in Sadagura. Cornel.
-----Original Message-----
From: bounce-120019896-8441035_at_list.cornell.edu [mailto:bounce-120019896-84=
41035_at_list.cornell.edu] On Behalf Of Howard Sackel
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 2:53 PM
To: 'Christian Herrmann'; bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu; 'Czernowitz Mailing-Lis=
Subject: RE: [Cz-L] Restoration efforts at the Czernowitz cemetery
Another thought regarding funding and possibly sponsorship:
I understand that the American and Israeli Hassidic communities, which are =
both very strong, have ties to Czernowitz going back to the movement's orig=
ins, and many of those working to repair the cemetery come from these commu=
nities. Perhaps we could interest them in the effort to create the museum,=
which would greatly benefit the cemetery as well. The Hassidim are well o=
rganized and can be a strong supporter of the effort.
Howard Sackel
Cell: (917) 324-4998
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Received on 2015-12-31 11:54:14