Another thought regarding funding and possibly sponsorship:
I understand that the American and Israeli Hassidic communities, which are =
both very strong, have ties to Czernowitz going back to the movement's orig=
ins, and many of those working to repair the cemetery come from these commu=
nities. Perhaps we could interest them in the effort to create the museum,=
which would greatly benefit the cemetery as well. The Hassidim are well o=
rganized and can be a strong supporter of the effort.
Howard Sackel
Cell: (917) 324-4998
-----Original Message-----
From: [mailto:bounce-120019634-7=] On Behalf Of Christian Herrmann
Sent: Thursday, December 31, 2015 6:45 AM
To:; Czernowitz Mailing-Liste
Subject: Aw: [Cz-L] Restoration efforts at the Czernowitz cemetery
Dear all,
I followed the recent discussion on the topic of a Holocaust museum in the =
mortuary - the former Leichenhalle - carefully during the last days. I agre=
e to the many who have doubts concerning the location. I understand questio=
ns like 'why not the Temple?' or 'why not expanding the existing Jewish mus=
But I also missed other questions like 'how to save the Leichenhalle?' and =
'how to commemorate the destruction of the Jewish community and to bring it=
into public consciousness?'. These were probably the same questions that m=
oved Mr. Zissels. He answered them in a very pragmatic way, a way which is =
appropriate to the reality of present Czernowitz and present Ukraine. We ar=
e speaking about a place with low financial ressources, a place where buyin=
g of votes was practised in the last local elections, a places where men ge=
t drafted to the army and return in coffins. It is not a place of wishful t=
hinking, rather it is a place where civil society is struggling to create a=
more transparent, democratic and just community. Joseph Zissels, the presi=
dent of the Association of Jewish Communities and Organizations, and Mykola=
Kushnir, the director of the Jewish museum, are representatives of the civ=
il society. They are no representatives of the state or the municipality, t=
hey act in a way they believe to achieve the most and - considering the alr=
eady existing funding - they are able to convince others. Their initiative =
is a contribution to the memory of the city, to the preservation of its her=
itage, but most of all it's a gift to the survivors of the Holocaust, the c=
amps and ghettos of Transnistria, and an obeisance to all who did not surv=
I read the complain 'they should have asked us'. I understand Zissel's mail=
to Bruce and other members of the list as an answer to this and as an offe=
r for dialogue. He wants you to have your say and he asks for your support.=
This is your museum, the museum of those in the list who remember and were=
witnesses. The museum can not be realized without your stories and memorie=
I'm not sure whether we can win Daniel Liebeskind or any other famous archi=
tect, but I like very much the enthusiasm expressed in the e-mail by Howard=
Sackel. I also imagine what impact the museum would have on the entire sta=
te of the cemetery. Given the public attention the museum would raise, the =
local authorities would be unable to tolerate the present neglect. Having b=
een to Czernowitz every summer since eight years, I see the development: Vo=
lunteers who clean the cemetery, a Jewish museum, a literature festival con=
nected to the multi-ethnic past, a growing awarness of history expressed in=
many initiatives and now plans for another museum. Let's support it and co=
ntribute to it. I'm sure Bruce will collect your ideas and voices and forwa=
rd it to Mr Zissels.
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Received on 2015-12-31 08:37:16