[Cz-L] Looking for information about 25 children who survived Transnistria, see e-mail and attached file

From: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu_at_nowhere.org>
Date: Sat, 10 Feb 2018 02:05:20 +0000
To: CZERNOWITZ-L <CZERNOWITZ-L_at_list.cornell.edu>
Reply-To: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>

Reply-To: Amy Colin <adi356_at_googlemail.com>
Date: Friday, February 9, 2018 at 15:17
To: CZ <czernowitz-l_at_cornell.edu>
Subject: Looking for information about 25 children who survived Transnistria, see e-mail and attached file

Dear Members of the Czernowitz List:
I am  searching for the following 25 Holocaust survivors deported as children to Transnistria.  See list with names and biographical information in German and English in this e-mail message (further bellow) as well as attached file. [Moderator's note: Attachments are not allowed on this list.] As teenagers all of these survivors lived in either Gura Humorului (Gurahumora) or Bac?u, Romania, in 1946-47. Should you recognize any name or have any further information about their biography, their families or descendants, please let me know. I would truly appreciate it. Thank you.  
Kind regards from
Amy Colin

Prof. Dr. Amy Diana Colin,
University of Pittsburgh
Pittsburgh, PA 15260

President of the City for the Cultures Peace: 
International Interdisciplinary Institute, Inc.

Liste der Überlebenden / List of Survivors
1. Nachum Schapiro, geboren am 18. ›Tamuz‹ 1933 in Gurahumora (Gura Humora), Bukowina, lebte nach dem Krieg in Israel. Deportation nach Ataki, Transnistrien im Alter von 8 Jahren. 1947  war er in Gurahumora. Nachum Schapiro born in Gurahumora, Bukowina, 18 Tamuz 1933, lived in Israel after the War. He was deported to Ataki, when he was 8 years old. 1947 he lived in  Gurahumora, Bukowina.
2. Leia Vain?tein, geboren 10.2.1933 in Chotin, Deportation nach Capaigorod, Transnistrien im Alter von 8 Jahren.  Sie war in Moghilev und im Piciora-Lager. Nach der Flucht aus dem Lager Aufenthalt in Jurin.  1946 war sie in einem Waisenhaus in Bac?u. Leia Vain?tein, born in Chotin 10 February 1933; she was deported to Capaigorod, Transnistria when she was 8 years old. She was in Moghilev and in the Piciora-camp. She fled to Jurin. In 1946 she was in an orphanage in Bac?u.
3. Ita Feust, geboren am 20. Juli 1933 in Gurahumora, Bukowina; sie lebte nach dem Krieg  in Israel. Deportation nach Ataki und Moghilev, Transnistrien im Alter von 8 Jahren. Im April 1947 war sie in Gurahumora. Ita Feust, born in Gurahumora on 20 July 1933. She lived in Israel after the war. As a child she was deported to Ataki and Moghilev when she was 8 years old. In April 1947 she lived in Gurahumora.
4. Menachen Mendel, geboren in Dorohoi, 1931. Deportation nach Transnistrien im Alter von 10 Jahren. 1946 war er in einem Waisenhaus in Bac?u. Menachen Mendel, born in Dorohoi in 1931, was deported to Transnistria when he was 10 years old. In 1946 he was in an orphanage in Bac?u.
5. Selig Weigler war 1947 in Gurahumora. Selig Weigler, survivor of the deportations to Transnistria, was in Gurahumora in 1947.
6. Miriam Has, geboren in For??ti (Suceava, vielleicht »For??ti« oder »Fete?ti« in der Nähe von Suceava) am 22. Februar 1931. Deportation nach Moghilev und ins Piciora-Lager. Es gelingt ihr das Lager zu verlassen. Aufenthalt in Morava. Nach der Befreiung Aufenthalt in Bristeni Bessarabien. Hat versucht über Bukarest nach Palästina zu gelangen, musste aber umkehren.  Miriam Has, born in For??ti (Suceava, perhaps »For??ti« or »Fete?ti« in the vicinity of Suceava) on 22 February 1931. She was deported to Moghilev and Piciora, could flee to Morava. After the liberation, she was in Bri?teni, Bessarabia, manage to get to Bucharest, hoping to get to Palestine from there, but had to return.
7. Zipora Moser (auch: Tzipora Muzer), geboren in Gurahumora am 22. November 1933. Deportation nach Ataki und Moghilev, Transnistrien im Alter von 8 Jahren. 1947 war sie in Gurahumora. Zipora Moser (could also be: Tzipora Muzer) born in Gurahumora on 22 November 1933. She was deported to Ataki and Moghilev when she was 8 years old. In 1947 she was in Gurahomora.
8. Gerschon Biener, geboren in Czernowitz, 1931. Deportation nach Moghilev, Transnistrien. 1946 war er in einem Waisenhaus in Bac?u. Gerschon Biener, born in Czernowitz in 1931, deported to Mogilev. In 1946 he was in an orphanage in Bac?u.
9. Lutzi Jorgroi, geboren am 19.2.1932 in F?lticeni (Rumänien), gewohnt in Gurahumora. Deportation im Alter von 9 Jahren nach Ataki und Moghilev, Transnistrien. 1947 war er in Gurahumora (Bukowina, Rumänien). Lutzi Jorgroi born on 19 February 1932 in F?lticeni (Rumänien), lived in Gurahumora, deported at the age of 9 to Moghilev. In 1947 Lutzi was in Gurahumora (Bukowina, Rumänien).
10. Heidi Heinisch, geboren am 10. Juni 1933 in Gurahumora. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora. Heidi Heinisch born in Gurahumora on 10 June 1933. She is a survivor and returned to Gurahumora in 1946.
11. Jochewed Tennenhois, geboren in Bukarest, 1946-47 lebte er in Gurahumora oder Bac?u. Jochewed Tennenhois born in Bucharest. In 1946-47 he lived in Gurahumora or Bac?u.
12. Jakov Astfeld (Yacob Istfeld), geboren 14. September 1930 in Gurahumora. Deportation im Alter von 11 Jahren nach Moghilev, Transnistrien. 1947 war er in Gurahumora.  Jakov Astfeld (Yacob Istfeld), born in Gurahumora on 14 September 1930. He was deported to Moghilev, Transnistria, when he was 11 years old. He survived, and in 1947 he came back to Gurahumora.
13. Ruthi Gottesmann (Rutie Gotesman), geboren im Jahre 1931 in Czernowitz. Deportation im Alter von 10 Jahren nach Ber?at, Trasnistrien. Nach der Befreiung in Jassy, Bukarest, in den Donbas, dann nach Czernowitz und Câmpulung. Ruthi Gottesmann (Rutie Gotesman) was born in Czernowitz in 1931, was deported to Ber?at, Trasnistrien when she was 10 years old. After the liberation, she was able to get to Jassy and Bucharest, but was then sent to the Donbas, thereafter to Czernowitz and C?mpulung.
14. Meir Wagner, geboren in Czernowitz 1934. Deportation im Alter von 7 Jahren nach Ataki und Moghilev, Transnistrien. 1947 war er in Gurahumora. Meir Wagner was born in Czernowitz in 1934. When he was 7 years old he was deported to Ataki and Moghilev. In 1947 he lived in Gurahumora.
15. Schimschon Katz, geboren am 26. Mai 1930 in Gurahumora. Deportation im Alter von 11 Jahren nach Ataki und jenseits des Flusses Dnjester, Transnistrien. 1947 war er in Gurahumora. Schimschon Katz was born in Gurahumora on 26 May 1930. He was deported to Ataki and beyond the river Dnjestr when he was 11 years old. In 1947 he lived in Gurahumora.
16. Etl Siesman, geboren in Gurahumora am 6. Januar 1934. Deportation nach Transnistrien. 1947 war Etl Siesman in Gurahumora, lebte danach in Israel. Etl Siesman was born in Gurahumora on 6 January 1947. She survived the deportation to Transnistria. In 1947 she lived in Gurahumora and later emigrated to Israel.
17. Meidad Schiller, geboren am 10.12.1933 in Gurahumora. Deportation nach Ataki und Marafa. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora. Meidad Schiller was born on 10 December 1933 in Gurahumora. She was deported to Ataki and Marafa. In 1946-47 she lived in Gurahumora.
18. Lea Seligman, geboren am 5.6.1936 in Gurahumora. Deportation nach Ataki, Moghilev, Marafa, Tulcin. 1947 war sie in Gurahumora. Lea Seligman was born in Gurahumora on 5 June 1936. She was deported to Ataki, Moghilev, Marafa, and Tulcin. In 1947 she lived in Gurahumora.
19. Juta Katz, geboren am 26. Juni 1933 in Gurahumora. Deportation nach Ataki-Malev. 1947 war sie in Gurahumora oder Bac?u. Juta Katz was born in Gurahumora on 26 June 1933. Deportation to Ataki. In 1947 she lived in Gurahumora or Bac?u
20. Miriam Kostiner, geboren am 21. August 1934 in Stulpikani. Deportation nach Ataki und Moghilev. Der Vater wird in Tulcin ermordet. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora oder Bac?u.  Miriam Kostiner was born in Stulpikani on 21 August 1934. She was deported to Ataki and Moghilev. Her father was murdered in Tulcin. In 1946-47 she lived in Gurahumora oder Bac?u.
21. Rita Kopelman, geboren am 24. September 1933. Deportation nach Ataki und Moghilev, danach ins Dorf Molef, 50 km von Moghilev, anschließend ins Städtchen Schargorod. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora oder Bac?u. Rita Kopelman was born on 24 September 1933. She was deported to Ataki and Moghilev, later to Schargorod. She survived. In 1946 she lived in Gurahumora or Bac?u.
22. Ruti Sant (Zhanet), geboren 1930 in Rus-Moldowitza. Deportation nach Ataki, Moghilev und ins Dorf  Promoschanitz. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora. Ruti Sant (Zhanet) was born in Rus-Moldowitza in 1930. She was deported to Ataki and Moghilev. In 1946-47 she lived in Gurahumora.
23. Mischu Markowitz, geboren am 28. August 1934 in Dragoscha. Deportation nach Transnistrien. 1946-47 war sie in Gurahumora oder Bac?u. Mischu Markowitz was born in Dragoscha on 28 August 1934, was deported to Transnistria and survived. In 1946-47 Mischu lived in in Gurahumora or Bac?u.
24. Ester After, geboren in Gurahumora. Deportation nach Moghilev. 1947 war sie in Gurahumora. Ester After was born in Gurahumora. She was deported to Moghilev. In 1947 she lived again in Gurahumora.
25. Feiwisch (Faivisch) Rosenblum, Holocaust-Überlebender, lebte 1946-47 in Bac?u oder Gurahumora. Feiwisch (Faivisch) Rosenblum, survivor of the deportation to Transnistria, lived in 1946-47 in Bac?u oder Gurahumora.


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