Hi Bruce,
Thank you for the reply and the welcome! I wasn't able to determine how to=
search the list archives prior to sending this message, but I looked again=
and realized it was hiding in plain sight on the home page. Thanks for th=
e link to the story about Dr. Hasner . . . over the weekend, I did actually=
find a tree on Geni for the family that appears to be maintained by Dr. Ha=
sner. I tried contacting him through Geni but have not received a response=
yet. Perhaps someone who is still on this list knows the family personall=
y and would be willing to put us in touch? If so, please free to contact m=
e privately and I can explain further.
Unfortunately the information on Geni does not answer my question. However=
, I did find this paper (
pdf) which on page 13 of the file (373 of whatever book or journal this is =
from) states that Rabbi Mark and Rabbi Moses Rosen--Chief Rabbi of Romania =
and a known descendant of R' Ephraim Rosen--are cousins. So it would appea=
r that it was known they are related, but I'm trying to determine how. I h=
ave also posed the question to JewishGen Rav-SIG to no avail.
From: Bruce Reisch <bruce.reisch_at_cornell.edu>
Sent: Monday, January 29, 2018 8:01 AM
To: Aaron Slotnik; CZERNOWITZ-L
Subject: Re: [Cz-L] Rabbi Abraham Jacob MARK (1884 - 1941)
Hi Aaron,
First of all, welcome to the Czernowitz discussion group. I know we've dis=
cussed Rabbi MARK in the past, but not sure his ancestry has come up. In o=
ur group's archives (on <czernowitz.ehpes.com>) you'll find links to inform=
ation about his descendants including grandson Avi Hasner <
3D&reserved=3D0>. Perhaps his descendants know more about their direct anc=
estry? You can search our group archives on the ehpes.com site.
Another suggestion is to use the resources of the Rabbinic Genealogy Specia=
l Interest Group <
=3D0>. We'd be interested to know what you find out.
Best wishes,
Bruce Reisch
Geneva, New York
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Received on 2018-01-30 00:38:54